
Or maybe don't be a total asshole drunk driver putting the lives of families at risk. I hope you and your scuzzy lawyer both end up going long at Folsom.

You are awesome, and you will get your wish!

6 months studying, passed the Internal Medicine boards for the second time; I'm untouchable for the next decade!

I was going to TL;DR this, but you are spot on. Still, I would rather have these movies as they are than not at all.

That's good to know. Now AA members can continue to pursue time travel!

Oh, I agree, I am tickled beyond belief that it is a real creation. I was only commenting that another statement wasn't hatful

That wasn't a hateful comment. Go back and read what he wrote. I tire of the belief that unless one receives news with an insipid grin and a raging erection he must be full of hate.

Waaaaaah! Waah waah waaaaaaaaah! Quit yer cryin' over a movie you haven't even seen

Oh come now. The appendiceal footage is worthwhile trade off. The only things I would have liked were the absence of Radagast (or at least a more wizened wizard), and much less camp comedy (eg the Mountain Orc escape/goblin king)

Screw what you look like, my brother...just do it!

I am stealing that line

Riht, the only ones I could think of. Not too much blood spilt over the Artic compared to warmer climes

oh jeez, show me a parcel of desired land that did not have some indigenous people there before the current tenants....maybe the Artic?

I want ninja turtle feet!

A simple double college major? Think of the generations of learning and experience that went into what makes up the curriculum of a major in astronomy or engineering. Standing on the shoulders of giants...or at least standing on thousands of shoulders of the ones who came before you.

Indeed, and how many Einsteins starved to death in Africa, or died of cholera in some third world country? How many in the last 100 years? Tragic really

We all use much more than that. I'm just saying that our intelligence hasn't increased over 1000's of years. The bell curve is unaltered. I just laugh at those who think we are so advanced only because literacy has increased.