
And we think we're so clever for downloading a new app. Try designing a simple lock, a light bulb, or any of the thousand antiquated tech pieces we take for granted. Now think about the brains required to craft this.

Is that baby's eyes photoshopped? I can't tell...I hope not

I just imagined a Wally World brothel sign with that

Thanks bro!

TL;DR version?

You can share them for free.

ABSURD!...I'm in.

Thought it was great!

indeed it is, Jack may be at his most endearing in this movie

glad to hear it's getting some air time!

That's what I'm talking about! So much talent, yet so unknown.

...and they have cult followings

it was intriguing, artfully done, well acted, yet I didn't care for it...too heavy handed maybe?

watching it tonight!

overlooked Nicholson gem with great comedy and tons of quotable lines

You, my friend, rock on multiple levels. Please rock on.

You're right, that is why. Sucks to join the echelons of nameless villains, rather than the modern pantheon of superheroes

I doubt a day goes by where he doesn't rue passing on that. Who knows though, maybe it was Hugh's portrayal that launched the franchise?

Doubt it will ever be recreational as you would need a surgically implanted venous catheter for access.

I hope they don't, I don't want the porn industry robbed of the 'Fucktastic Four' knock-off.