
I am guessing a jerk off session, where if caught, there would be some serious 'splainin to do. I speak purely on theory, with no personal experience.....none.

By 'girding their loins', so to speak.

Thanks for the laugh

I know what you were referring to, however, you are assuming the destructive nature of substance abuse is limited only to the procurement of said substances.

I would agree too, but still think it should be fought tooth and nail. For that saying is akin to:

As a medical school alum, I can say that your counter thesis is the correct one. Then again, I always dreamed I showed up without pants too, and ya know what? Every test, pants baby! Maybe there is something to this dream theory.

I would think that 4.5 million would go along way to feeding hungry children right here within our borders.

actually when I was reading it, I was thinking how it might work better as a movie. Sure some of the poetry will be lost, but you can go a long way with building the atmosphere with music (or lack thereof) and cinematography. I personally can't wait to see how it translates.

Actually it is, and will continue to outpace the success of a bloated bureaucratic agency that relies on politicians. Shit happens, it doesn't mean that you scrap the whole deal. I would give you examples, but if you think for 10 seconds you should be able to come up with dozens on your own.

Money means not having to deal with other people's bullshit. It makes many problems just go away.

barbed wire might keep living humans away, but the undead would just grab onto that shit without an issue

well played

Simply astounding. Only people who have tried to build a simple two story house in Minecraft can appreciate the time and talent required dor something like this. I sit is awe, mouth agape. I wonder what else this person could have achieved in two years applying their talents in the real world, but also desperately

That was so awesome to see after the day I had. Thanks

Yes, the 'sex bots' of today would easily be confused with real humans. They are also used preferentially by many and are not the last resort for the socially paralyzed and/or hideous. They are in fact indistinguishable from those in 'AI'.

'Serenity' my friend, if you have never seen the Firefly series....boy are you in for a treat! Netflix has it all for you on tap.

but I meant robots you would WANT have sexy time with.....not as a last resort for the agoraphobic, socially inept, or hideous.

If you said that in 1990, you would have been proven wrong a dozen times over by 2010

I'm gonna go with sex bots