
Spot on, screw those bitches

Between this and Rebels, I may need to pony up for Disney XD on Dish....for my son's sake, of course

You fool! If you use a Qtip you could rupture your tympanic membrane! Out of the 315 million americans, 150 suffer this anually! This is a 0.000048% chance!!!

Well then, case CLOSED

she is actually from Santa Barbara

Listen for Scottie's explanation to Kirk about the challenges of trans-warp beaming in the first Trek reboot. Something along the lines of "it's like trying to hit a bullet with a smaller bullet whilst riding a horse blindfolded"

Lucky kid

That statement is wrong if course. Each 'place' has weather data going back decades. While global temps may rise, many locations broke records for cold and snowfall in 2013-2014...abd 2015 looks to be a repeat. It snowed on Mt Rushmore in early to mid Sept, which was a record going back over 100 years.

we will take that as a compliment

"turned freedom of speech into freedom of cruelty"

The Vervoids look more female genitalia....females with virilization from excess androgens that is...cross reference Gloria O'Keefe

That pic is amazing, i had no idea that Will Farrell was in a Who episode!

the guy getting his skull crushed by a wine bottle in front of his dad is Pan's Labyrinth. So horrid I can't re-watch the movie

You can use the app to go online and download others that people have crafted. The Enterprise engine thrum is the one i use the most, but you can also mix it with other sounds including one called intergalactic...the two mixed are perfect for me

Thanks for the chuckle! Spot on of course,

or maybe the obesity epidemic?

I think I am looking forward to this more than my 6 year old is.

I wouldn't pay that much for a Goat Simulator. Goat Stimulator on the other hand....

It was great. I thought First Class had more heart, but the QuickSilver scene alone was enough to make it for me.