
socialism is ideal in many respects; and interestingly, is likely what a truly Christian society would look like (despite the Bible-belt's misdirected political stance). That being said, unless you have a fairly homogenized society with similar ethics as well as a truly ethical administration, it is likely doomed to

I would never argue with that

I learned about unfair taxation as a child on 'Schoolhouse Rock', and show me a 12 year old boy who didn't think Jango or Dooku had awesome ends.

go back and watch Epi IV, then report back on the scintillating dialogue contained therein. people need to give these movies a break, they are space fantasy for children. If you watch them like a 12 year old version of yourself, you can enjoy them for what they are. Don't be an old crusty fusty!

So your mom is a planet?

Hospitalist here, and I feel your pain.

not my quote, bit I like it:

I love fries, and I adore pizza; but that, my friend, is beyond the frozen limit. Maybe just one bite...

Those jerks should have left it out of the trailer. I may be wrong but I am pretty sure it is the end scene, and nance the movie is spoiled. It is the main reason why I have passé send on someone let me know if it isn't a/the pivotal scene

Old Dick, it really satisfies

Drone pilots suffer their own trauma, a retired Marine sent this to me last week

When iphone first arrived, I thought it was pointless, by the 3G I owned one. When ipad arrived I thought my phone would the retina display, I owned one. I use them both every day. Now the iwatch....I don't think I need one, but history is telling me a different story,

You better smile when you say that

Well he is a geek at heart so it may be genuine fan boy enthusiasm. I know it is on my part, now gimme that watch!

I take it all back, everything! They are not part of the 1% (really they are not, no trust funds as one of them has actually told me), they have web pages through U of S Carolina. They are sports and entertainment management majors. I am told this is a grueling major. Their abilities are clearly not the result of