
not impossible, just seems unlikely given the time it would take and the money one would need to spend

Nothing like 2014 painfully lame political correctness, shouldn't you be perusing jezebel?

You sound awesome!

yeah! Where's my floating iOrb that will do the shit I didn't even know needed doing?!

Gotta wonder what their daddy does,where they can afford to perfect useless skills on an expensive country club. #getarealjob #trustfundassholes

Ba-dum! Thanks I'll be here all week!

am I the only one who gets pissed I can't save these images for iPad wallpapers? ....Or maybe I'm just the only idiot that doesn't know how to do it?

That'll do pig...that'll do

As a physician who has pages routed through his iphone, I am more than a little excited to be able to receive them on my wrist. The time it takes to haul my phone out of my pocket more than 100 times a day does add up.

Soon your iwatch will track your nap and wake you up in time for dinner!

They had me at Ted Danson!

+1 for obscure Simpsons, but that's enough, 'ya wanna git sued?

Juxtaposition to create a mre gritty realistic feel to them

No, it was just lame. He may be in danger of losing his UK citizenship; they aren't allowed to not be funny.

A poor effort at best, hopefully he was drunk.

Too young, by about 11 years. Ya' seriously didn't know that prepubescent kids shouldn't take nude selfies?

The Light of Other Days

Jimmy was 'Jenny' in MOS, I DONT THINK jimmy exis it's in this version

this chick rocks

you're right, but it has less to do with the molecule and more to do with our neurochemisty, if we do craft non-addictive morphine it will probably have an modulating agent that tempers our neurochemical response. Cool to think about either way.