
I was using hyperbole

If it were just about any Star Trek movie you could bank on it, those assholes can't keep an Enterprise past 1 year

Also we mustn't lose sight that the entire premise is lame beyond words

Well, then you should do that whilst sucking my balls.

You're right. Ignore these other haters responding to your critical response, where they criticize you for criticizing. I know I can out lift these guys, but there is no way in hell I could pull these impressive stunts.

No shit, this came out of left field. Interest is quite piqued. Maybe the District 9 'sequel' that we had hoped Elysium was supposed to be?

No because you're such a simp you feel it is the worst thing to have ever happened

a simple and narrow view

Or, while wishing for the impossible, we could simply uninvent ourselves

we all should be using 'whilst' so much more

My Dinner with André

so am I, oh wait I just remembered that I am not 12, Japanese, or a girl.

also Alan Moore is a bit of a dick

that is actually a really good idea

trust your instincts, the bar for being a chiropractor is set preeeeeety low.

For Pete's sake, fracking chiropractors? Can't wait for your next breaking health news, there are homeopaths, psychics, crystal healers, and aromatherapists now queuing for you. Cripes.

I am sure you are typically brimming with positivity. No uniform mods in 30 years huh? Whatevs


As already stated, supes powdered the hand of a toothless Zod and casually murdered him with a smirk in Siperman 2. Quit being such a little bitch

while Guardians was my 'biggie' this year, Interstellar is my #2, only because my last Sci-Fi hardon was for Prometheus which looked so perfect, and then broke my heart