
I know right? Talk about emotionally fragile.

This tweet doesn't jive with the rumor. It is Luke's replacement hand we are seeing, and stripped of its artificial skin. So if the robotic hand we are seeing is severed and floating in space episode VII, it is unrelated to the Bespin fiasco. The rumor is just silly, but time will tell.

why evolve something that is already pointless?

CS Lewis would support the Trinity argument, based on the chapter 'Beyond Personality' in Mere Christianity

that movie rocked!




Soooo, what is your degree in? And why do you feel you can predict the technology of our grown grandchildren? The most likely possibility to me is that you prefer the hysteria of doomsday prophesying. It's really great to fire up your college-educated Western hemispheric readership but we also know that without the

Now you can drop out!

Oh ye of little faith.

the show is highly entertaining, some clever dialogue and the fighting is pretty great

"The track is an aural assault on your ears that you hope never ends. The group channels a similar punk rock intensity to Japandroids or Titus Andronicus with an energy that's completely infectious"

vestigial: a structure in an organism that has lost all or most of its original function

I had to get married just so my wife could remember all the names of people I am supposed to know.

That's why I like KOTR so much, no baggage from the series

working in the ER, I have seen it firsthand, BUT in both genders. Always funnier when it is a burly dude least you didn't overreact

Spooky maybe, great epi, but slept like a baby