
Is his name really 'Harrison' or is it in fact KHAN!!!

oh my god, WTF dude. I didn't say it was the same thing, but was was utilizing your logic in another situation. I'm just pointing out the logic behind the opposing stance, you know absolutely nothing about what my opinion on the matter truly is. Additionally, having skepticism is not the same as being

So when a crook swindles the elderly on a bunko scheme, he deserves the money because he can pull that shit off? Baloney.

because it is akin to creating a fraudulent charity and keeping the money for yourself. They are hoping you infer they are destitute and then give charitably. Not exactly the same as making bunko signs with donation jars....but not too far off either. The sad thing is that on Wall Street the same thing happens with

I just shake mah head an' laugh. All these 'sheeple' (I feel dirty for using that word) that flock to Cali or Phoenix to sit in traffic and get raped on housing all for the sake of it being a trendy place to live. What did we think would happen when millions try to live in a desert? I'll just stay up here in boring

Breaking a transverse process is akin to breaking a coat hanger off a door, the house remains structurally sound.

Zaphod's attention however was elsewhere. His attention was riveted on the ship standing next to Hotblack Desiato's limo. His mouths hung open.

Or...maybe your family will be the next mowed down by a demented driver whose caregivers should have taken their keys away years ago. But with your mentality, it will likely be your demented parent that kills someone because you are so kindhearted. Way to go!

Pointing out shit on a Hollywood movie is like the school jock lambasting the fat kid with a lazy eye in special ed. Not an impressive task, and it makes you look like a royal dick.

Oh man up you pansy

This is pretty superfluous. Get a white noise machine and practice good sleep hygiene. If you need a lesson buy 'No More Sleepless Nights' by Peter Hauri from Mayo Clinic on amazon. The rest is needless complications and gadgetry, but whatever floats your boat

Well stated, spiracles and book lungs I believe are the two arthropod options. I may be wrong though digging back to my comparative anatomy files stored in 1993

also, the UK has some lovely trees, but they ain't redwoods

While Jean-Luc was opening a hailing frequency, a destroyer would unleash about 2000 TIE fighters to swarm the Enterprise

Really fun.

stop with the American shit. If your point is to include the many Americans that don't know what real beer is, you had already stated that. Do some research on American beer purchasing trends and microbrew trends before acting like an asshat and bashing nations...even your own.

Fat, yes. Dumb? Only the loud ones on the news. As many American's lost relatives fighting to liberate France...most of us know where it is. I have no prejudices, and frequently travel Europe. Just pointing out yours and reminding people that the children that aspired to join the Nazi party, but were too young are

Stereotype??? The Nazis were Germans. It is a fact, not a stereotype. The poster never suggested that today's Germans were Nazis still. But even if he did, that was only 75 years ago. Europeans are still on America's case for slavery and extirpating Native Americans, and that shit was 150 years ago.