
Bathe in your pretentiousness, let it flow through you

Well done, one could also tie in flavors as well as sensation to help complete the picture.

Based on the headline I was specifically planning on making the joke 'this is a hammer', imagine my surprise and disappointment I was beat to the punch by 1000 years.

Sounds like Krypton!

I just want the admiral's daughter... in her every shot

this is all nonsense, there is only one:

I will see your Batman Beyond and raise you

argh my eyes hurt from rolling them so much. The movie is a popcorn sales vehicle, it isn't intended to be high art. If you're not too lightheaded from the rarified atmosphere in your ivory tower, pause for a minute and revel in the fact that you free to stop seeing Hollywood movies; also internet opinions are given

I prefer little to no makeup, these pics are totally arbitrary, not scientific, and a waste of everybody's time

you must date some reeeeal ugly chicks

Because the whole premise is just 'derp 'de 'derp

this is stupid, only a few cakes have hard frosting that would be unaffected by the elastic band

Cali is one of the worst places for healthcare, try the Midwest and marvel at the difference

Neat little story! Made me feel all Hemingway, but not in the drunk suicidal way

He certainly was one in Trek.

SayHi is a great app for this, I have been pretty impressed with it so far

Stephen Baxter has stories that fall into this time frame

never, ever buy American autos....everybody who has gone to college knows that