
don't worry, they re-wrote all his scenes, he will now appear thus:

if his fans were 60 year old men, I would suspect you're right. But he was made famous by people who were not too familiar with Clint from back in the day.

dude, read each word in my post, I was only explaining his point to you and showing you how arbitrary it is with an example in my own life. Sheesh

No, recreational spending isn't bad after $325. A large bag of ice (with more than 50 cubes) is say $4. Spending 81 times that amount for a perishable good is what is bad. It is all about the ratio. At least that was his point. I am sure my Audi looks equally decadent to the eyes of others. My hope is that the

agreed, plus they didn't wonder why they had to submit a mobile number to see the movie? They ALL responded to a call at the same time? Ham-fisted and zero poingnancy

the Avengers spoilers sound like grade D baloney, I read the Latino Review spoilers and they do seem like they came from the mind of an 8th grader.

from Mass Effect I think

Best goddamn thing I have seen all week!

okay the auto correct made me look like I had a stroke...and for some reason I can't edit my comment. Dispels ribbed = described

only if my wang falls off, or did the health benefits dispels ribbed only apply to vag action?

such a pet peeve. How can you watch movies and TV in letterbox format and then shoot a movie like you're peeping through a key hole? Fracking retarded

Sweet lord, imma going to live forever!

I was going to read this, but an older and careworn version of myself showed up and warned me it was too long

"The luxurious seats are stuffed with eagle down, and the dashboard laced with the beaks of 1000 eagles. Also there are some eagles under the floorboards."

Sage advice, I would also add to bear in mind that we can minimize if not eliminate the discomfort and panic in dying with respect to pain and dyspnea. Our arsenal on this front has been battle tested (literally) and works equally well on wounded soldiers as it does on the aged and infirm.

Laws are fairly effective actually, but people will find loopholes. I must admit you original comment really sticks in my craw. I don't know where or when you worked in the healthcare setting or in what capacity. I am sure there were greedy docs, but saying you have 'never' seen a doctor place their patient's

I am a Hospitalist, and I couldn't agree more with your sentiments. I push hard for palliation, and while many harken to the call, there are many who violently reject it. I have seen children, as designated healthcare power of attorneys, defy their parents' previously documented wishes; and have their parents

Those sorts of incentives have been illegal for years now, and at Mayo Clinic where I work, no drug reps have been allowed since at least 2000

ah, there it is. I was waiting for somebody to drag religion into it when 'conservative' would have sufficed to cover. Most Christians I know are exceedingly Liberal FWIW