
Now that is self control! You are right, but it is good to keep a charitable attitude to hose who have strayed from the path. Many rue their bad decision for years, and are literally dying to fins a way to escape the prison they built. In the meantime he whole gang in going to Starbucks, c'mon one espresso can't

What your attitude betrays is the misunderstanding most people (especially healthcare workers) have regarding addiction. My only concern is that Naloxone has a very short half life and depending on EMT response it may not be enough...still never hurts to try

You realize, of course, the irony of wishing death on people for them wishing death on others

Agree with you 100%

but...he doesn't look blind, in the picture I can see that he is seeing shit

I went to the remake of Dawn of the Dead by myself for a late night showing. I was the only person in the theater. Just as the curtains parted I could hear a heavy limp coming down the isle. I turned my head slightly, and in my peripheral vision I could see a very tall disheveled man making his way towards the

seriously, no mention of 'Life of Pi'?

never before have I wished summer to pass so quickly, c'mon August!

Thanks for the links. FWIW though Chiropractors have as much right to call themselves 'doctors' as massage therapists do.

Well I will take solace that there is a warm place waiting for anyone who markets that shit, or subjects an innocent child to it

"You don't become a drug addict if the place you live in is fair and satisfying"

That is pretty funny

I will go fuck myself, right after you learn how to do a basic google search, thereby protecting you from the appearance of idiocy

again blow me you fucking drop of piss

Blow me harryh

GTFO you douchy elitist putz. You logic is that of a teenaged young republican, narrow and one dimensional that's why there are no wealthy people who are addicted to drugs or alcohol. Rolls eyes

ah yes, I remember the day I chose between successful and addict.

it is also elementary my dear Lewis

That is some scary shit, thanks for the link. I am relieved it is clearly a snake oil salesman, and nobody with any form for doctorate selling that 'program'