

MDs? Or holistic alternative types? I can't see a MD advocating any of that, but the bleach enema in particular. In fact please post a link 'cause that one seems made up


Proud to have trained there, and work there

not digging the costume

If by 'bat-tastic' you mean 'crappy' then yes.


you would like the Xeelee Sequence by Stephen Baxter. Advanced sentients helping us escape from a doomed Universe after a war with dark energy intelligence that had lasted billions of years. Really cool

There is a procedure called ulnar transposition to combat this. In extreme cases it can cause paralysis,but usually when in the OR. Without appropriate padding of the elbows. It culminates in an ulnar claw:

ah yes, that does sound quite right, I *should* know, as I treat lots of them at my hospital

I really should learn how to play the guitar.

The symbol is for Miller's DKR but without the circle

I believe it is. I think their dialect is largely based on Middle Dutch. Funny we haven't had any Amish posters here to clarify...

the negative Nancies aside, I liked it too. Reminded me of 'Tree of Life' where the cosmological and intimate nature of God was shown in contrasting scenes.

I'm religious, and also a scientist, and I loved it.

Poor Sgt Murtaugh can't catch a break

I remember from school how the white man evolved from the dinosaur!

whatever dude

There is some truth in that, but there is also the chicken/egg discussion. There are multiple corporations with Midwest headquarters though. Granted there are significant differences as one moves around area. The states contained therein are hardly homogenous

been to/lived there are different phenomena