
Dude! Shut up, if the elitist coasties knew of our scenic beauty, low cost of living, locally sourced foods, good schools, low crime rates, absence of traffic, great healthcare....there is a slight chance they would stop stroking themselves over their local Pinkberry and ability to get 'great Chinese at 4am'. You

you have firsthand experience I trust?

Hopefully his parents will teach him to enjoy it ironically

maybe that pic is actual size?

Still looking for the trickling details of Interstellar....where are they again?

fringe benefit...but now I'm in court

Gimme a break. 1 kid takes all your time, 2 kids take all your time, and now I have three and the formula holds true. One does need to maintain their interests, but when your kids are small it takes effort. Your advice applies to families with older children who have some independence. Kids do reach a age where


I mount all my coworkers just to show 'em who's in charge

excellent!, clever handle BTW

oh Gawd'elpus (rolls eyes)

time to let it go Steve...

cool...thanks for the insight!

The CEO of Pfizer, makers of Zyrtec

Hold on a sec. There is water stress in the desert?! Good thing thousands upon thousands of people don't flock to Phoenix, LA, San Diego, San Jose and plant lawns, golf courses, parks...wait, what?

See, I knew there were good reasons. Thanks Foxy!

10 years seems substantial enough ;)

Awesome. Your's has that quasi-religious (in that you belonged to an 'order') AND a family connection that would make your choice an obvious one. I am more curious about people who choose something without such strong motivations. If I were in your shoes, I would have certainly gotten the same.

I have never gotten a tat, not that I have never been tempted. One hang up I have always had is never being able to wear anything permanent ever. Even those friendship bracelets in the late '80s that were tied/left on and had to be cut off I could only tolerate for a week before grabbing the scissors.