
And in my Interpretive Dance class of 1000 freshman, only myself and one other student passed. That's a failure rate of 99.8%!

I could give a shit about special features. I know it's a movie, and everything is fake. I enjoy the illusion and don't need to see the Rivendell model, or the computer graphic overlay of some alien.

Dude, I'm a doc who has delivered babies in the past. My plan was the same as yours. Ain't nobody got time for that!

Exactly. You can be a hard core conservative, and go along with climatologists' recs simply to stick it to the 'A-rabs' or just for the benefit of our species in the generations to come. This whole Gaia thing irks a bunch of potential allies, and should be minimized. I would point out to others that Greenland used to

Precisely, I have total faith the Xeelee will save my ass too!

Yes. Thanks for expressing all that for me. I was too damn tired to do it. BTW, I get what the original poster's point is, but this was the wrong context to release that tirade. I feel like that speech was all ready to go, and he just took this as the opportunity ;)

I get em on both Blu and iTunes. Blu is optimal quality on my 70" LED, and iTunes is convenient. At least Paramount sells a disc with iTunes included, WB is run by Hitler only offers the Satanic UltraViolet with their Blu. So for them, I struggle with which to buy.

Agreed, but you could always just watch Sherlock instead.

George Costanza > Issac Newton?

The Dino seems pretty cool. I wonder how they would fare during a Wisconsin winter, with short days and windows that gather frost. Also, would theses buggers survive the frigid temps of a cargo hold at 35,000 feet? My mind can't help but think back to my poor sea monkeys.

Seriously, if this Rankin guy was living back then, he would probably be the Blackadder from the Sir Walter Raliegh episode.

This sort of politically correct finger wagging is unnecessary. Who the hell didn't already know this? Did these explorers return and say 'Dude I discovered this new world, and check it out, COMPLETELY uninhibited, wild right?', or did they perhaps acknowledge they had found a land 'new' to their world view full of

Once you go Atretochoana eiselti, you never go back.

I generally enjoy Miyazaki's work. What derails this trailer for me is that awful theme song, gawd!

People should be expanded to 'party people', for all will be rocking in that far flung era. Besides when we hail them in a crisis we can say:

Well, okay. It certainly doesn't deserve that kind of criticism. Some people are being overly harsh. I thought the original poster was referring to the more collective general disapproval.

It certainly isn't for everyone. I am nearly 40, and it's my favorite thing to watch as I drift off. Surreal dreamscape with great morals and laughs. As the backstory unfolds, it only gets more interesting for me. my M.D. And M.F.A brothers love it too....hard to explain. It either grabs you or it doesn't. I don't

I love the tragic angle. Adds depth and weight to the show.