
I respectfully disagree.

More desperation from the sinking Futurama. AT is the superior show theses days. Love the first run of 'Rama though.

As a Wisconsinite, I must say that ready access to Lambeau, and a fairly intoxicated baseline probably factor highly into this. Green Bay itself is a bit of an armpit IMHO. That being said, people is Wisconsin do in fact seem genuinely friendly and happy despite our winters.

Incredible. The lack of a dense star field as a background really gives one a sense of isolation. Watching the only known oasis in the universe dwindle to a 'pale blue dot' in the inky blackness...if I were gazing out the back window of a ship... I don't know if I'm stalwart enough!

Wow, did we just finish our first read of the Communist Manifesto? Your statement is astonishing in its rigidity and one-sided approach. Privatization without regulation is courting a new generation of robber barons. Thankfully, the Libertarians can't win an election. You're kidding yourself though if you think

Lisa the Iconoclast

Now get out [Lisa Simpson]. You're banned from this historical society. You and your children, and your children's children... for three months!

I love the 'honest trailer' series, but one could really do that with any movie regardless of its quality.

Perhaps by the 4th movie we will see the Na'vi society progress into a collection of fat jingoistic assholes that invade peaceful hippie planets?

Cats and dogs living together, mass hysteria!!

Thanks for a good belly laugh!

I can't believe nobody has yet given props!

All hail the Xelee!

I had to smile at this. It certainly is a bit of an old joke, but retained due to its effectiveness. There is even another tier to it. Being a physician, I was told at my son's birth (APGAR of 9), that only pediatricians' kids get a score of 10.

I suffer from a pork fixation, well revel rather than suffer....could somebody pass the bacon?

You should read the series of novels it comes from. Pretty damn good if I recall (thinking back almost 30 years now). Called the Prydain Circle by Lloyd Alexander.

I love and own this movie, and have read many of the books. I have heard this movie described as the best Star Trek movie ever.

Saw this after reading the book in elementary school. The whole class went as a field trip. Very nice film!

Wonderful film. Smart and funny!