
This. Oh and I would know the intimate details of my room and house since I never would be leaving it.

My mom would have beat me, then made me go on national TV and apologize, then took me home, beat me some more and planned my life until I was 18, weekly beatings included. 

“What do we need?” A billion dollars! So we can do things properly. Not like idiots, which is what we end up doing.

She’s intentionally mixing apples and oranges. She is using the success and popularity of the women’s national team to argue that a women’s professional league should be given more money. This, of course, completely ignores the fact that the women’s national team is not designed as a business. For whatever reason she

Sure as long as people keep flushing investment capital down the Musk hole. Solid  winner.      

I don’t advocate shopping at F21, eating chemical-laden diet bars, encouraging customers to eat shitty chemical-laden diet bars, or body-shaming in any capacity or context, but HEAR ME OUT—we have NO confirmation that these ONLY went out in plus-size orders. F21 is probably just doing what they do best and

You should believe it. Outrage culture has gone mainstream. 

Fat - Phobic culture made me laugh. 

Click bait trash

I cannot believe people got mad over this. Amazing. Truly amazing.

It sounds tiring to have to continually look for something to get angry about in an attempt to make yourself relevant and feed your desired image on social media.

Title seems a little disingenuous. Implies it’s limited to plus size orders, but provided no evidence that such is the case. Kind of a major distinction if only plus size orders are receiving diet bar as opposed to every order.

There was a time when notebook testing included things like testing keyboard spill resistance and other “road warrior” tests. If a $3,000 notebook can’t run “maxed out”, in the desert, at noon, and not overheat then your engineers are doing it wrong. Humans operate from -30 to 120 degrees F. Devices need to do that

Why should companies focus on the areas with fewer possible customers, instead of focusing on the areas with far more possible customers? Sure, your parents are in a dead zone, and there might be dozens of other people in that dead zone, but do you really expect cell phone companies to spend $150k+ on a major cell towe

“The grave sin of continuing to attack and celebrating goals”

People liked X-men First class because of James McAvoy, Jennifer Lawrence, and Michael Fassbender. Not because of Sansa Stark and whoever is playing Cyclops. They kept trying to find reasons to keep Magneto and Mystique in it and it didn’t work. Apocalypse was terrible and as fun as she seems on talk shows and social

Also, Sam is still in the Night’s Watch, but apparently he doesn’t have to go back because he’s got a sweet gig as Grand Maester, despite not even being a maester.  And also having a baby on the way, not that we saw Gilly this week.

“We won’t see something like this in my lifetime again.”

I hope this doesn’t mean you’re dying or something. :( 

Yara: “Wait, we can do that?”

“It’s like they all learned a shiny new word at the same time and can’t wait to show it off”