Beat Doctor

Where did Dany get that giant-ass House Targaryen sigil banner?

It was straight-up Terry Tate Office Linebacker-style. Loved it.

I’m not suggesting it would make her feel differently about Jon, but it might make her feel differently about Melisandre, who I still feel has some sort of role to play in all this.

I’d like to know what Arya would say if she found out Melisandre is the only reason Jon Snow is alive today.

My only question about the crypts is: how close does the Night King have to be to reanimate someone? Can he just raise his arms and bring Lyanna Stark crawling out of her tomb?

Presumably somewhere in the Bran Stark Mental Rolodex is the method men used to beat back the White Walkers the first time around. If I were the NK, I’d want to get rid of that memory ASAP.

I don’t know where he’d keep giant’s breast milk fresh (although it’s cold everywhere now, so)... but I refuse to believe it wasn’t giant’s breast milk that Tormund was slopping all over his beard.

I have a very strong desire to travel to Europe for this exact reason: there’s so much history that is so much older than what we have in the U.S. It’s not to say we don’t have some beautiful architecture here, but I truly can’t imagine standing in front of something that has been around since the Roman Empire.

Seriously — if he feels so strongly about it, he should return all of the billions he’s raked in from DVD sales of his movies. Y’know, since that’s not how film is meant to be seen.

The Red Wedding is a rough watch, to be sure, but at least it’s a crucial part of the plot. It lets readers/viewers know that the Ned beheading wasn’t just some fluke, this shit is for real and ANYONE can go. Shireen’s death was just needlessly cruel — hardly the only element in S5 that turned out that way, for no

The problem with this idea of slightly greasing the skids to provide the wanted result is that, if it had always been in place, there would BE no Duke to hate on. It would just be John Wooden’s great-great-grandson winning UCLA championships until the end of time. Because before 1989, pretty much no one in America

I’ve probably rewatched this scene the most. And no matter how many times it’s been, every time Dany calls out to the Unsullied and everyone’s heads snap as she speaks clear, fluent Valyrian — well, everyone except dumbass Kraznyz — the hair on the back of my neck stands up.

“There’s the burning of Shireen Baratheon in season five...”

Here’s hoping the next job for the person who wrote that note doesn’t involve spelling.

I fail to see how it’s f*cked up that Zoe Saldana’s ethnicity is somehow slighted by playing a character WHO IS GREEN IN THE COMIC BOOKS. Good Gawd, AVClub.

Maybe he finally realized that the entire immigration section of the speech was basically his version of Ali Siddiq’s “Mexicans got on boots” bit.

Thanks, I usually come here for career advice. Especially from people who don’t capitalize the first letter of a sentence. I hear that looks really good on a resumé.

If he can put out a new record that doesn’t include any barking, I’ll consider that a success. But if I’m being honest, I have woeful visions of an album cover with him dressed as M’Baku from Black Panther. And nobody wants that.

YEEZY: Watch the throne...
YEEZY [under his breath]: ...’cause I’mma try and take it back via the civil court system!