Beat Doctor

John Goodman doesn’t need this check. That might be among the most disappointing things to me, is that Goodman — an excellent actor with a respected body of work, including the original version of this sitcom — is okay with being a part of this.

“There’s not much call ’round these parts for a Hunter S. Thompson anymore, not since they put in the content mill.”

Pratt was so quick with the comebacks that I was waiting for him to go “...oh, I keep it on the headboard of your mom’s bed.”

“You’re so old, your publicist is a registered nurse” ALMOST competes with the game-ending d*** insult from Pratt.

This was a good episode, but I’m not sure anything can ever compare to this exchange in the Jennifer Lawrence-vs.-Chris Pratt video:

Everything so far this season seems very underwhelming. In the previous “change-everything” seasons, the premise itself was enough to draw me in, with the voice cast’s interplay serving as the icing on the cake. I haven’t found that to be the case with S9.

I suspect you might find a lot of drummers and bass players who aren’t necessarily into the music their band plays. It’s tough for a drummer to be the person who starts a band. Stereotypically speaking, you usually have a couple guitar players who are looking for a drummer or bassist.

I typically enjoy listening to the music my band makes 1-2 times. I started recording our sets because, in the moment, it almost always sounded bad to me. We would get done with a show and I’d think, “Man, I played terrible.” But then I’d listen to the recording to start to feel better.

People still listen to that Beethoven guy, or so I hear.

“...I still couldn’t make out exactly when the faux Jim Delos was saying to Bernard at the end.”

I’m 100% Team Panama when the hands start getting thrown. It’s not even in the Top Five best tunes from The Score. That goes to:

Is there some sort of inverse relationship between the amount of a person’s wealth and their ability to grow non-embarrassing facial hair? Elon Musk, Tom Brady, Larry Ellison... they all have this predilection for the eighth-grade pube-’stache that I find very bizarre.

True dat. It’s never good when anything on Westworld reminds me of The Walking Dead. That poorly-CGI’d tiger most definitely did.

Kanye has become the physical embodiment of DMX’s gloriously-ignorant “F*ck a book/Shorty can’t eat no books” speech from Belly.

Unless you’ve seen a screener of every Shogun World visitor acting like Animal Mother in Full Metal Jacket, this post is borderline ridiculous.

This is precisely how I’d hoped this first game would go: Caps take a lead, seem to be doing well... and then in the span of less than 5 minutes, the Penguins grab them by the windpipe and choke the life out of them. It’s really a pretty apt metaphor for the entire Pens-Caps rivalry thus far.

“...and of the shock value of major changes to the status quo over just about everything else.”

“A focused Kanye West is still hip-hop’s pinnacle” might be true in the past two years — I stress MIGHT — but certainly not on the longer timeline of general hip-hop.

I’m concerned that the property owners on Yeezy Island are about to get tranched like it’s 2008 all over again.

I think I just snapped my neck laughing so hard at Yeezy calling someone else (ANYONE else) “wordy and self-absorbed.” My GAWD.