Beat Doctor

I can only think of one exception to the “Acoustic version of banging rock songs = universally bad” maxim — I once saw Springsteen doing a solo acoustic show, and he did “Born in the USA” on slide guitar. I don’t consider it better than the original, but it emphasized a lot of the melancholy anti-war sentiment that

I generally agree with the MTV ‘Unplugged’ take, but if there’s one that merits an exception to the rule, it’s the Nirvana ‘Unplugged’ set. I thought the acoustic versions of their own tunes gave them some depth they didn’t always have electric, and I think the acoustic Meat Puppet covers are almost all superior to

You say in your Facebook response that you’re “familiar” with this group. But then in the above post you ask several questions that make it seem like you really aren’t very familiar with this group. Sooo which is it? If you know ‘em, then asking those questions — specifically #6-9 — is disingenuous and a legitimate

“Boomin’ System” is GREAT. I’d also put “Mr. Goodbar,” “Cheesy Rat Blues” and “Farmers Blvd Anthem” on that list.

Honestly, who are these fucking people? I mean, I’m pretty proud of my junk, it’s put in work over the years, but I’ve never been in a situation where I ever, even for a second, thought, “Hey, y’know what I bet this lovely woman would like to see right now? My DICK.”

For the life of me I can’t figure out why the utterly fantastic Esquivel Christmas album, “Merry X-Mas from the Space-Age Bachelor Pad,” doesn’t get more play. It’s cheesy holiday jazz in the best possible way, full of goofy effects and sounds. Can’t recommend it enough.

True dat. Maybe the best Christmas album of them all. “Christmastime is Here” will forever be the greatest holiday song.

I have a jump drive in the car full of hip-hop that is labeled “TUNES FOR A COLD-ASS WINTER.” Certain entries from the Golden Age of ‘90s Hip-Hop are perfect for driving in frigid winter weather, it seems. Chief among them:

For some reason, the one exchange in this episode that cracks me up is basically a toss-off:

ATLVille is correct. But they were only in Atlanta for roughly the first season-and-a-half. They were making their way to D.C., I think, when they ended up in Alexandria, which I assume was referencing the D.C. suburb in Virginia. It DEFINITELY snows there.

My son defied and defied us on both going to the bathroom on the toilet and, subsequently, wiping. Then one day, after all our various strategies, tricks and attempts (which included me recording a video of him, moist-eyed, promising that NEXT TIME, he WILL try to wipe by himself... not super-proud of that, but he

The worst part of sports talk radio is indeed the callers. That’s why I’m such a big fan of Mark Madden, drive-time sports-talk host in Pittsburgh. His knowledge of sports outside hockey is sometimes questionable, but his main talent is belittling callers and hanging up on them while calling them stupid, and it never

That makes it even more ridiculous that we’ve never seen a full winter on the show. I think the main reason is that it would completely neutralize the zombies as a threat. They’d all freeze up, get more sluggish and be even more of a relative non-factor.

Even utilizing the most wishful suspension of disbelief, I don’t think a 350-pound tiger would be poisoned in the 30 seconds it took for her to get taken down.

I think a lot of the “vocal minority” are those who had high hopes, saw the things the show did — and now, occasionally does — very well early on, and hoped that would continue.

Shiva not being around for the majority of the show is maybe the one believable thing about her storyline. Zoo tigers get fed about 10 pounds of raw meat per day. There’s no way the Kingdom residents, no matter how much they believe in the Kaaaang, would agree to give the majority of their food to someone’s pet. She’d

Since winter has literally only made ONE appearance in ONE episode on this show (1st episode of the second season, I think...?) you could make a decent argument that it hasn’t even been a full year.

I’d really like to point out all the foolishness in this episode — no fewer than three Deus Ex Machinas rescue Ezekiel and WTF were each of them doing while he was struggling to get away... Armed Saviors choosing to simply escape rather than kill the woman who’s 50 yards away and murdered all their friends...

I truly do not understand what B-Real is doing in this group. I won’t pretend to know his politics, but it’s kinda weird that the guy who’s mainly known for rapping about weed and co-opting the N-word even though he’s Hispanic is part of the political protest rap-rock band.

I feel like it’s probably going to be a bigger deal to Jon and Dany than it will be to the general public, who may never even find out. I expect Jon “Aegon Targaryen” Snow to go full-on Maester Aemon and abdicate his claim to the Iron Throne.