Beat Doctor

That’s something I’m curious about: the general Westerosi public’s feeling about incest. Because let’s not forget, prior to the past two decades of Baratheon rule, there were three centuries of Targaryen incest, and certainly no one in the Seven Kingdoms rose up to put a stop to it. Hell, Bobby B’s immediate

I feel like it’s possible (though not probable) that they don’t find out. What if they arrive back at Winterfell, and Bran and Sam see how happy they are together, how their relationship — incestuous though it may be — and combined power is essential to defeating the White Walkers, and decide for the greater good to

Sarcasm duly noted. And all of that is fine. But that's an awful lot of greenseeing on the Night King's part, for him to formulate a plan, based around specifically knowing:

It totally could be. And if they did set a trap, that means the Night King has the same type of greenseer powers as Bran and anticipated the dragons coming north. To me, that lends some credence to the whole "What if Bran is the Night King?" theory (that, and re-casting the part as a guy with a prominent schnoz during

It’s definitely the cat and the glowing eyes. But overall, Don Bluth provided quite a bit nightmare fuel for my younger sister and I growing up. He definitely took the Disney aesthetic and gave it sort of a grimy reboot in his animated features. I think a lot of them hold up better than the Disney films, mostly

Natural gas — IT’S A FRACKDRAGON!

The valonqar prophecy could still be true. If she dies in childbirth and Jaime is the father, that probably still counts.

I think he just knows it will complicate things, no matter what ends up happening. What happens to the alliance if they have a falling-out? What happens if Jon tries to assert himself more as a king once they’re together? In some ways, this is Tyrion’s wheelhouse: mapping out how various relationships will affect the

I am not super-excited about not seeing them die, as weird that sounds... because typically that means we’ll see them again. I wonder if Beric will be wielding a blade with blue fire on it. That would be unfortunate.

I could be reading way too much into this, and maybe it’s just the result of contract negotiations and actors wanting to pursue other projects, but I took note with great interest when they recast the Night King as a guy with a prominent nose, during the same season Bran returned to the show... with a prominent nose.

She doesn’t know this. He doesn’t know this. How will this be awkward again...?

As you should!

I'm not talking about restaurants. I'm talking about an affordable, readily available source of protein you can find in the average kitchen. And it also depends on whether you're talking number of meals or actual weight of what's eaten. If you go by weight, it's pork, because pork is typically plated in bigger

I think people have just been a little spoiled by how well the show — using the books' massive intricacy and plot structure — has handled the passage of time in previous seasons. Look at it this way: "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Meereen" was the entirety of Tyrion's storyline in S5. I realize that the show

I understand the need for timeline shifts that would have played out much more slowly — and probably made much more sense — in the past. But Benioff and Weiss decided on an episodic timeline to end the series, probably one influenced by contract negotiations and actors wanting to pursue other projects, and here we are.

Depends on the prep. Properly spiced and cooked goat curry is one of the best dishes I've ever had.

I'm definitely curious as to why goat — the most popular meat in the world, bar none — is not more popular in the U.S.

Cool story bro.

They had to swing by the North-of-the-Wall branch of Harbor Freight.

I'm curious about that, too. If it wasn't woken up directly, then the Night King engineered sort of a "wight catspaw" situation, to try and assassinate the Lord Commander.