Beat Doctor

I was wondering about this. Do people automatically turn? I'm trying to remember the sequence of events that led to the first turned wight we saw, the guy who was brought back to Castle Black — he was just a dead guy when he arrived, and then he kind of woke up in the middle of the night, right?

Ahh, I definitely did not pick up on it when the Hound threw the warhammer down. My first thought was that he recognized it as an awkward weapon he wasn't able to use well.

I also find it suspect that she only took one dragon to fight a large army she believed in, but for some reason took all three dragons to rescue seven dudes fighting an army she only KIND OF believed in before seeing it.

It never even occurred to me that they didn't bother to bring any dragonglass. That is super-stupid. They could have spent the entire boat ride up to Eastwatch making dragonglass weapons!

Hmm, that does strike me as odd. I think I remember an interview where they said they mapped out the story outline and felt like this (at the time, 13 more episodes) was exactly the number they needed to finish the story. I know most of the S8 episodes will have a longer runtime, so add that to 80- and 90-minute

Ladies, help me out here: is R. Kelly even that good-looking? I suppose there's no accounting for underage girls' taste in rich R&B singers, but it's hard to imagine him as some kind of swaggering lothario on the order of Usher or D'Angelo.

Good Gawd, there are SIX of these f***ing things? I haven't even seen one! Pretty soon Mission Impossible 7 is just going to be a documentary about Tom Cruise going through rehab for a broken ankle at age 57.

I was actually picturing it with Xzibit's "Chamber Music" playing — which SAMPLES a Queen song!

I think that's probably just D&D being good soldiers for HBO. It would be kind of a dick move to go out there and bitch in interviews about how HBO won't pony up the bajillion dollars it would take to go two more full-length seasons AND have all this dragon/walker/battle madness go down.

The confused/worried and angry/worried thing has me wondering about something.

Maybe that's why the Waif was so gawddamn surly all the time. She was stuck teaching everyone how to pick locks. =)

True, but I'd imagine that comes part and parcel with the assassin training — I wouldn't include it on the show either… who wants to sit through a "Rocky"-style montage of Arya learning to pick locks and walk quietly? =)

Jesus Christ, fine, Dany can burn all the people she wants. I'm a slavering idiot in thrall to my own willful ignorance. Can you shut the f*** up now?

Like you said, Sansa f***ed it up. But not on purpose. She didn't go running to Cersei to specifically screw her family and get her dad beheaded; she was just being a selfish little girl who saw her dreams of one day being the queen slipping away.

They Scotchgard them sh*ts, son!

I mean, if you're going to be a world-class assassin, presumably you'd need a way to get into secure places.

"My dear Sansa, I'd be happy to protect your from your vicious little sister. But I need you to do me a favor first…" — Not being able to figure out Littlefinger's plan is what's kept him in "the great game" this long in the first place.

^ This. Arya might be a vicious assassin now, but she's not into killing innocent people to serve her own ends. Unless she brought a bag of faces with her from Braavos, the only ones she could wear are the Frey servant girl and Walder Frey himself.

As several people mentioned, Davos was with Stannis, attacking King's Landing as the aggressor. Casualties are to be expected.

One thing everyone seems to forget is that, less than 20 years before the events of the show began, Westeros was cool with incest. The Mad King married his sister, and no one raised a finger. I kind of feel like the show has gone out of its way to avoid making references to that — actually, has it ever come up on the