Beat Doctor

I was wondering that as well. Maybe we're meant to infer that Lannister henchmen eventually did get a couple of them. Or maybe we'll learn that randomly wandering the countryside watching over "the people" doesn't inspire long-term devotion in your troops when there's not much food or gold to be had.

Soldier on, O Culture Warrior.

I fail to see the connection between not being interested in books intended for children and "cultural illiteracy." But you do you, hoss.

I mean, I don't what to tell you, except that if you don't get 90% of the meat off the bone, you're doing it wrong.

I'm 35, so I don't know a damn thing about Harry Potter and have no interest in finding out who either of those people are.

Translation: "I do not know how to eat chicken wings."

Iwan Rheon could be playing an Inhuman named Ramses Boltoni whose superpower was flaying people alive with his 5'o'clock shadow and I still would not be interested in this show. Outside of the giant bulldog, this looks turrrrible.

Yes, it does bother me. People have been throwing armies at one another for the duration of this entire series and it hasn't fazed me much. But when that first blast of dragonflame ripped through the center of the Lannister line, I thought to myself, "That's pretty horrifying."

I wanted to like that second Gravediggaz album soooooo much, but the absence of Prince Paul as a production tour de force is reeeeeeally noticeable. RZA was on the cusp of entering his Bobby Digital/super-crappy beats phase, and I thought it really showed on that second record.

I want to agree with this, but that two-week period they found is a pretty unique take on "pop music bottoms out during the Limp Bizkit era."

I agree. While this two-week stretch is pretty f***in' rough, the mid-to-late-'90s were the glory days of The Fantastic Hip-Hop Soundtrack. Above the Rim, New Jersey Drive, Clockers, Sunset Park… totally fair to criticize the films but the soundtracks are blazin'.

I'll take 'em over Matchbox 20 every day of the week.

Don't you go trashing Wreckx'n'Effect, buddy — them's fightin' words! hahahaha

The most disappointing thing about "Fly," really, is that legit dancehall legend Super Cat technically co-signed it by lending his voice, even if it was just for random patois chatter between verses.

It gave me a chill when I finally figured out what the hell he said. Hempstead-Wright really drawled the first part of it (can you "drawl" in a British accent? That's probably not the right word), and I had to watch it two more times to get it for sure.

…is anything really a "last resort" when you can see into the future?

CERSEI: I'll accept a paperweight; nothing less.

I saw a lot of Lannisters getting slashed in the throat. I think the Dothraki probably got a few tips from Tyrion on fighting Westerosi soldiers.

I think it's the on-again, off-again part-Scottish, part-Irish accent that he gets the most sh*t over.