Beat Doctor

I don't know about that. The cornerstone of this long con he's been playing — destabilizing the realm by bankrupting the crown — just went to sh*t if Cersei really got the gold and is paying the Iron Bank. I think he's still around because so many of us want to see a satisfying, murderous comeuppance.

Also it proves that Davos cares more about correct grammar than 90% of the sites that review Game of Thrones episodes.

I mean, Jaime probably didn't want Tywin to be killed, buuuut we're talking about a dad who actively hated his youngest son for being born, who married his daughter off to cement an alliance and was about to do it again, and who ordered the wholesale slaughter of an entire family at a wedding.

I won't pretend to understand how anything works in Dorne, but wouldn't the Dornish army — who were gearing up to go to war with Dany's squidder — be even MORE ready to go to war now that their leader and her daughter have been abducted by the enemy?

I'm kind of hoping Gendry gets Viserion as an apprentice and learns how to forge Valyrian steel.

I think the "fewer" comment is just meant to convey the tremendous detail with which this world has been constructed. We've spent nearly seven years with these characters, and we can appreciate this little inside joke that Davos took away from his time with Stannis.

True — but if you shot a BB at a bird, the chances of you missing are much better than the chances that the bird actually sees and dodges the BB.

I don't think we're supposed to be rooting for the Lannisters — we're meant to consider whether or not what Dany's doing has any merit whatsoever. We originally saw it as the restoration of the former royal dynasty of Westeros, which seems noble on its face. But what we saw last night was a look at just how that

I won't claim to be an expert on dragon vision, but I'd be willing to bet spotting a black arrow shot from a patch of scorched earth (and moving 100mph or so) is probably pretty tough, and even harder to avoid when, as was mentioned below, you're the size of a jumbo jet.

I think her single-minded pursuit of the Iron Throne is what could lead to Dark Dany. When she asked Jon whether the life of his people was worth his own pride, I wanted him to shoot back at her, "And is the life of everyone on this continent worth yours?"

I thought this was particularly hilarious, since as we learned mere minutes before battle started, the Loot had already made it to King's Landing [allegedly].

Then they got sick of it about halfway through and Davos was all "Fook this shit, Snow. I smuggled some sidewalk chalk into the cave, let's just get this done with."

I didn't want Bronn to die. I didn't want Dany to die. I didn't want Drogon to die. I didn't want Jaime to die. But it nearly beggars belief that none of them did. Obviously, Bronn is the most unbelievable, able to somehow jump out the way of what had been — up to that exact point in the battle — about a 20-foot wide

I want this to happen so badly now, even though it doesn't really make a ton of sense. Aside from pissing Cersei off, the only thing it would accomplish is helping Dany, and Arya really has no reason to do that. At least not yet.

I'm very interested to see how the show plays peoples' reaction to the dragons. I gotta believe, since the last Westerosi to actually see a full-grown dragon are long dead, that it's going to be pretty epic. Qyburn can make all the ballistas he wants, but the Lannister soldiers have to stand there — not immediately

The lack of awareness on the showrunners' part of just how bad this show is continues to astonish me.

True. But I feel like Westeros was on the verge of pretty much believing dragons were gone and never coming back. Though I suppose the modern equivalent of telling someone you saw White Walkers would be like trying to convince your science teacher that you've seen real dinosaurs walking around on Earth.

I moved past that one when I rewatched the earlier seasons and didn't see a single gawddamn tree anywhere on the Iron Islands. =)

Plus imagine how many people will die when a scalpel moving at terminal velocity hits 'em in the dome.

She doesn't know about his Targaryen lineage.