Beat Doctor

I think Indira Varma did a really good job making us care, albeit briefly, about the [admittedly horrifying] fate of a woman who once kiss-killed a child with poison lips. Kudos to the actors, and to the writers for continuing GRRM's penchant for characters who all have shades of grey coloring their morality.

You can wedge it in there. He was born in Dorne, where there is a specific subset of "salty" Dornishmen, and he was born amidst the "smoke" settling on Robert's Rebellion.

Technically, he's already both. Son of a Stark and a Targaryen. I'd have to get a little metaphorical to wedge the salt/smoke/red comet stuff in there, but I bet it could be done.

Employing "guerrilla tactics" with a 1,000-ship fleet is maybe the most unbelievable element of this entire show… a show that includes dragons and resurrection magic.

I think it will be really interesting to see how the average Westerosi reacts to a foreign army marching across the middle of the country. I presume Grey Worm will everyone on orders not to harm anyone who isn't a Lannister soldier, but I'm expecting the Westeros equivalent of MAGA hats and Westerlanders chanting

No besmirchment — I'm all about it. Maybe I can change it cold penne, at the risk of besmirching pasta-salad fans the world over =)

In the face of Dany's incredulity at the "army of the dead," I feel like Jon should have given her the ol' raised eyebrow: "You mean to tell me that there are three giant dragons flying above our heads right now, but zombies are too much for you to grasp?!?"

"Let's go burnin' now/My relatives are learnin' how/Come and meet the Red God with meeeee/Come and meet the Red God with meeeee." — From "Burnin' USA," by the Beach Boys Without Banners

Euron took her with him when he left. Much as I'd hate to see her go, I would like to see Show Euron take on some of the dark-magic, demonic pirate captain vibe he has in the books. Some sort of dark sacrifice of Yara to get him closer to his goal — which I presume is to be King of Errything.

Shit, I forgot all about that. That's actually pretty amazing, that she thought about the most horrible thing happening to her daughter, the thing she couldn't hope to stop, and made that the punishment for Ellaria. That's a cold-ass slice of pizza right there. Yikes.

I think Harington has had some good moments throughout the series, and while Clarke is far from the best actor on the show, she's miles away from the whole "WHERE… ARE… MY DRAGONS?!??" phase from S1 and S2.

I actually think Tyrion was due for a little bit of humblement, if that is indeed a real word. For much of the series, he's gotten ahead based on his wits… by outsmarting everyone. And he hasn't been shy about bringing it up: he's smarter than you, and he knows it. That's a TV recipe for comeuppance. The show just

Hopefully Melisandre learned her lesson about randomly murdering royal relatives with the whole Stannis debacle. But who knows…

I'm definitely going to try this, but it's got some serious competition. When I lived in Delaware, the local Kiwanis Clubs all over the Delmarva Peninsula used a vinegar-based sauce on their barbecued chicken that had the weird addition of an egg whisked into the sauce. It was THA SHIZNIT.

Not to mention, he's got as good claim to Storm's End as anyone, since the Baratheon line is completely gone.

True. I know the Valyrian steel thing is a real stretch, but honestly there's no point in bringing him back into the series unless he's going to serve an important purpose in the series' endgame. #SoYerSayingTheresAChance

I'm pretty interested to see where Gendry turns up. I'm hoping it's as a blacksmith in the Riverlands, where he can hook up with Arya and they can head north to Winterfell together. I'm sure the Starks could use a good smithy 'round the castle, especially if he can work with dragonglass…

You're right, someone should absolutely have just killed him by now. Especially since there would be, literally, almost no consequence as a result. No one's got any great love for Littlefinger, and I'm pretty sure every lord in the Vale would be just fine'n'dandy with him taking the big dirt nap.

Well, modern science has only been around in our world for roughly the past 400 years (and you'd be hard-pressed to find any "scientific techniques" from 1600 that are still used today), sooooo for the first 1600 years that time was recorded, so were we.

They didn't stop at medieval times. They're living in medieval times.