Beat Doctor

It was never really explained why Jaqen H'ghar ended up in the black cells at King's Landing, or what he was doing in Westeros in the first place. I'd like to think it was the Faceless Men's idea all along to train Arya and send her back home to do some good ol' killin' for the Many-Faced God.

I feel like Arya's going to make it back to Winterfell just in time to catch Littlefinger on some scheming bullsh*t and finish what Jon Snuh started.

Mmmm… pumpkin-spice mulled wine.

He better get to sneakin'. The ship was pretty well on its way when he was treading water at the end of the episode.

Good Gawd, the only thing worse than the writing on this show is the F/X.

1 for 6, counting Sheeran. That's a .166 batting average.

I'm struggling with the "Mordor = Turkey" part. And pretty much all of it except the "Shire = England" part.

And Carrot Top. And Shaun White. And David Caruso. And Bill Walton. And Ron Howard.

I just re-watched that episode a few weeks ago. It is still just as jarring as I remember. Is that the only episode where the end credits roll over a modern song arrangement?

Seriously. I'm just glad we didn't have to listen to "Bear and the Maiden Fair" for the 18th f***ing time.

Well, she certainly only seems interested in killing the people on The List, random Freys notwithstanding.

WHA-WHA-WHA-WHAAAAAAT?!? Next you're going to tell me that Chris Pratt can't really lead a biker gang of velociraptors through the woods! #FakeNews

I was thinking this exact thing. The dragons' birth heralded the return of magic in this world. Stands to reason (well, reason is probably the wrong descriptor) that resurrection could be part of that magic.

I can only imagine how pissed Clegane would be at being brought back.

He ain't on The List, that I recall.

Clegane vs. Wight-Giant. Bet that.

"Sentimentality or kindness, it’s repeatedly shown, will get you nothing but trouble."

I just thought it was a golden opportunity wasted. I mean, the only difference necessary to distinguish the Silence from the other ships would be a dark red hull. Cersei asks how he got such a beautiful red ship. "I'm afraid we used the blood of the plundered to properly stain our decks, my queen." That would be

You'd think though, that as dark and twisted as Euron is, he'd be right up the show creators' alley.

Well, I thought the "two good hands" thing was hilarious and book-character-appropriate. But Book Euron was a very unsettling presence to anyone he met, and that's just not the case with Show Euron, who is more along the lines of a Diet Al Swearengen: quick with a joke, quick with a knife.