Beat Doctor

Nope. That rivalry moved to Baltimore. The Browns aren't even the Browns now.

I concur. The First Amendment should send Luke a thank-you card, but let's not pretend the guys who wrote "Face Down A** Up" are heroes. I'd much rather delve into PE's use of politics in hip-hop, or the way Wu-Tang laid out a business plan that was revolutionary at the time for a rap group.

I hope to someday take part in a desperate 2 a.m. board meeting that somehow ends up generating more than $1 billion.

No one should have to apologize for Temple of Doom. I don't understand why it gets such a bad rap.

Dammit — my son is finally old enough to go to the movies, and it has to be just in time for the crappiest entry in the Cars franchise? Boo.

True dat — this is a rivalry from a Cleveland Browns-Pittsburgh Steelers perspective, in the sense that DC may think there's a rivalry. There isn't.

This is basically a giant post that can be summed in one sentence: "Return of the Mack" is a great guilty-pleasure joint. Right?

I cannot wait until my 4-year-old son is old enough to properly appreciate this fantastic film. This, Dark Crystal and Muppets Take Manhattan (don't judge me) cemented Jim Henson as one of my most beloved and influential creative inspirations.

Watching videos of black people reacting to this trailer is truly an uplifting experience. Seeing someone get little-kid-level hyped about seeing a superhero that looks like them is really cool. I didn't watch any Luke Cage reaction videos, but both are a testament to Marvel and its commitment to creating a cinematic

I'm pretty curious what the reaction to the film will be from people who are not familiar with the source material. I wonder if the reaction to It's true nature will be shock/surprise/cosmic horror or an incredulous chuckle.

There is a YouTube channel where there are a bunch of Lovecraft stories narrated overtop rudimentary animation, mostly stills, but it's a very effective way of experiencing those stories. The images for "Rats in the Walls" is genuinely creepy.

I think it's pretty hilarious that guy's wife is even able to bust him. Can't shell out $1.69 for your own personal bottle of corn/porn oil, huh, guy?

Canadian singer-songwriter Daniel Romano's newest, Modern Pressure, is on nonstop rotation in the ride right now. It's a perfect combination of early-'70s Dylan and the old British rock band 10cc: densely-packed lyrics, slightly-weird instrumentation and a voice that seems like it's going to grate on you, but the

I just read a few Lovecraft stories last night: "Rats in the Walls," "The Beast in the Cave" and "Call of Cthulu." I'm hooked.

Finally got around to reading Stephen King's It. I was barely in elementary school when it came out, and I remember being frightened by the cover alone (my mom is a HUGE SK fan, so we had the original cover with the green monster hand coming out of the sewer).

No one is — nor shall they ever be — the one and only Wesley Willis. #RockOverLondon #RockOnChicago #MentosTheFreshmaker

"It’s okay to not care about Lil Yachty"

I'm not sure how this could be sustained over more than one season, but I'm interested.

Oh sh*t that's right! Let me second that Bridge bitterness. It was a little unfocused, but I never thought that worked against it. I was starting to get really into it when its run was ended.

I didn't realize that this was an off-Broadway show, but reading that, it completely makes sense. There were a couple moments where things seemed to be getting waaaaay too serious for a stand-up comedy special, and not in that "build the tension leading up to the punchline" way. I thought it was very well done and