Beat Doctor

Props on the Coup shout-out.

Honestly, I'd rather just have the headliner start late than have to sit through like a half-dozen openers. When I went to see Red & Meth on the "Blackout" tour, I'm pretty sure that every single MC Such-and-Such on the entire East Coast opened for them.

Better put Lauryn last on the bill, if the past is any indication. This would probably be better billed as NAS AND HANNIBAL BURRESS… PLUS A VERY SPECIAL SURPRISE, which could either be Lauryn Hill performing, or Lauryn Hill NOT performing. THE SURPRISE IS DIFFERENT EVERY NIGHT!

Louis CK did exactly that. He called Trump a "dirty, lying sack of sh*t" on The Late Show. The difference is that he didn't make what could be construed as a passive death threat toward the U.S. President. I'm no Trump supporter, but if you're gonna talk some sh*t, you gotta be prepared to take some sh*t. Death

"Because who wouldn’t like Franka Potente?

The most respected news channel out there??? I'm gonna go ahead and quote the Junior Hannity Fake News Fan Club up there: just wow.

Is it really so inconceivable that a non-dirty-hippie could be into good musicianship and nonsense lyrics?

Such a good book.

Even for improvisational masters like Coltrane, the 15-minute mark is probably the cap on how long you can bend, stretch and reshape a song before it gets either very repetitive or falls apart. I once watched a YouTube video where a music professor gave a "master class" breaking down "Dark Star," but graduate-level

I think part of the issue with Dead-haters is that the utter wealth of recorded material greatly increases the chance that you're going to end up listening to a concert that is, at its core, a good band with a bandleader who is way too whacked-out on hard drugs. Basically, any tape from about 1981 onward is a

I think the band would agree with that. In Phil Lesh's book, he talks about having worked in reverse: debut potential studio material onstage, get the song to a place where they like it, and then saddle themselves with the impossible task of recreating that in a studio. It really does show on Wake of the Flood. "Here

That does sound like it would be rough. I love the Dead, but I could never just listen to their music all the time. Part of the reason is that listening to their music and its genre-hopping constantly makes me think of other music I also want to listen to!


I'm ashamed to say that upon first listening to Doom, my impression was, "Eh, kinda sounds like Nas." How wrong I was.


"He writ this skit in sanskrit" still boggles my mind every time I hear it.

The only difficult decision is do you go classic "Space Hos" or the peppy-elevator-music remix?

You're not totally wrong. It doesn't "f***ing rule," but it does have several tracks (including another Ghost-Doom collab that DOES f***ing rule) that are standouts. The lyrics are on point even if some of the song concepts aren't. It's also one of the precious few hip-hop albums with decent skits. The running gag of

The most depressing thing about this joke is that if it were just spelled slightly differently (say, "Koldnutts") I could 100% see that being a legit name George Lucas made up for the Star Wars universe.

I love his fearlessness, even if it did mean an occasional aborted run of notes or a muddled passage here and there. I think I read a quote of his somewhere about how he was "willing to play a few wrong notes in search of the right ones," and I think that's a great way to sum up his improv philosophy. It's that