Beat Doctor

Line(s) of the night for me were:

I've never understood the "eating awful things" aspect of Fear Factor. No one is afraid to eat something gross — they just don't want to do it. You could make the argument that they're afraid of how it will taste, but I don't think that's the same thing as making the person who's afraid of spiders lay down in a tank

They are the white Wayanses.

I view the Calderon stuff as more of a vehicle to get Slater into the plot, who I think has been one of the best guest characters to appear in the series.

Sorry, but if you don't think Archer: Vice was an idea that worked, you don't need to be doing these reviews. #Cherlene #CocaLeafSmoothies

As a member of a dying industry — newspapers — whose members are nearly universally reviled nowadays — reporters — I can sympathize with this.

I think where "Time Out of Mind" ranks — and whether it cracks the Top Five — depends largely on age. For someone like me, who was born in the early '80s and slowly discovered Dylan through my dad's record collection, "Time Out of Mind" was the perfect thing at the perfect time: a brand-new, excellent Dylan record in

I agree. I am of the Jules Winnfield School of "Sewer rat may taste like pumpkin pie, but I'd never know 'cause I wouldn't eat the filthy motherf**ker." I am intrigued by the smell vs. taste argument, though, because I absolutely agree that while stanky Parmesan cheese can indeed smell like dirty socks and/or vomit,

…followed by some stanky dank? (sorry, couldn't resist)

I have a formative-years sentimental attachment to that record, as it was one of the LPs in my dad's regular rotation when I started paying closer attention to his music. "Fallen Angel" and "Sonny Got Caught in the Moonlight" are my favorites. It was also really cool to see Phil Lesh & Friends resurrect "Broken Arrow"

Every couple years I come back to my copy of On the Corner and feel similar to you: the first thought is "WTF and why," but there seem to be new moments that make me go "Ahh, this is why" each time I listen.

It's a Tony Rice week in my household. Thanks to the overdue use of an Amazon gift card, I've been indulging in Manzanita, Tony Rice (1977 LP) and Backwaters. The man's solos on "Blackberry Blossom" are so good it almost seems like a different, distinct song.

After seeing Ben Bailey's epic takedowns at the Patrice O'Neal roast from back in the day, I'd like to see Cash Cab: After Hours on HBO.


My fucks, particularly those for Ms. Lahren, remain woefully un-nominated and un-confirmed by the wife.

Seeing as how Bastard Executioner was basically an ill-conceived, super-sh*tty clone of the massively successful GoT franchise, somehow I doubt it.

Word on that. Hopefully this will allow me to fictitiously live out my fantasy of seeing Ed Sheeran get piked in the vocal cords.

"Mads Mikkelsen walked out on his Fantastic Four audition" — if only everyone involved in every iteration of that film franchise had done the same thing…

I love all three of these films, and maybe it's just the period of time in my life when I saw it, but I've always been partial to Deconstructing Harry among Allen's works. He somehow makes a dirtball serial philanderer, if not endearing, at least somewhat relatable. And I can't ever get enough of Judy Davis berating

True dat. Their Sour Soul album with Ghostface Killah is FIRE.