Beat Doctor

This comment will about proper use of the word "be," and will about my pitch to AVClub to hire me as its content editor.

"Yeah, but Logan… have you ever seen Cerebro… on weeeeeed?"

I think so. Presumably if you just cut the crops down, they'll move on to the next meal. And weevils aren't like Pokemon: you'll never catch 'em all!

I'm intrigued by the sauce. Let me know how that turns out.

My bluegrass band is continuing to attract attention. Played two bluegrass festivals in Jan. and Feb. and met some folks who put us on for another this summer. I'm starting to legitimately wonder if this band — which started as a side project — is actually the main band, and our full electric group is the side

Sweet Big Baby Jesus, thank you for posting this. I just read an AV Club piece about Future being the "best, bleakest rapper" out there right now, and a half-dozen 30-second Spotify previews later, all I could think of was, "Good Gawd, every one of these songs sounds exactly the same."

I haven't heard Stand Up, though I foolishly bought Bleep-Blorp or Whatever-the-F*ck and the Groo-Grux King and still haven't forgiven myself.

These reviews have spent a lot of time discussing how Eugene is a weak-willed, frightened person who from the beginning was willing to lie about his past in order to seem essential and not get left behind.

Dave Matthews Band, Everyday — Most people cite Dave Matthews picking up an electric guitar (a BARITONE electric guitar, of all things) as the reason they're not crazy about this album, but for me it started a long trend of vapidity. DMB lyrics have always been a combination of hippy-dippiness and

I blame Bobby Digital. That persona was one of the first times I listened to a Wu record and though, "Ehhhh, this just isn't that good." (To be fair, that might have happened earlier, but I let the first Cappadonna solo record slide)

Prince Paul, Politics of the Business — I was all in on Prince Paul from the first Gravediggaz record to old Stetsasonic and De La joints to what I think is still his masterpiece, Psychoanalysis (What Is It!?). I loved the concept behind Prince Among Thieves, but the conceit behind Politics just didn't do it for me.

Good call on The W, although there are still a couple tracks on that record ("Hollow Bones" in particular) that get some occasional run on my playlists.

Black Eyed Peas have indeed become hot garbage. But, for that Native-Tongues-throwback sound with some modern flourishes, I find myself coming back to's entry in the BBE series, "Lost Change." Very cool record.

And do you eat the peanuts afterward?

This sounds pretty unbelievable and awesome. Also, in what manner does one mix peanuts and Coke???

I do like Black Jesus rocking the Jesus piece around his neck. But the face makes it look less like Kanye Jesus and more like Rick Mahorn Jesus.

Yay. Los Hijos de Anarchy.

Is that word "Yuk"? 'Cause it should be. =)

Banning pineapple on pizza is silly. The proper response is to ceaselessly shun the person who actually orders it.

I realize I'm seven years late here, but: