Beat Doctor

I still think they should make a detour season where the squad goes to the Middle East on a mission to take its name back.

Lost track of how many times I used this with my former editor, a fellow Archer fan.

I think "Vision Quest," where the gang (minus Mallory) is stuck in the elevator for the entire episode, is hands-down the best of the "close-quarters-shit-goes-bonkers" plots, if for no other reason than there is literally no plot, no caper, no overarching storyline. They're all just stuck in an elevator, and each

Plus Skrillex's dubstep remix of "Dornishman's Wife" feat. Chief Keef.

I'm interested to see if they say where he went. To flee (at the time) the wrath of Cersei, my guess would be somewhere in Essos.

I thought it would have been a really good nod to the absurdity by having Rick mention something to Jadis after climbing out of the pit, something very similar to what's noted in the Stray Observations:

AMEN to the last sentence. I find it hilarious/horrifying that "low-sodium" broth and stock at the grocery store still has like 350mg of sodium per serving. Homemade stock all the way.

Gumbo is, at the very least, a variety of stew. Stew is a meal fo' sho'.

"Nobody wants just soup" is about the dumbest thing I ever heard outside the last four weeks of official White House pronouncements.

"…it's a combination of self-seriousness and the overall lack of joy in their music." — that's pretty much all of nu-metal summed up concisely.

I'm not a Slipknot fan, but I definitely wouldn't lump them in with Korn. Slipknot at least come off as authentic. Korn is up there with Limp Bizkit in the pantheon of overly-angsty '90s fake metal bands.

Unless you're referring to your original comment — which boils down to "either you drink Budweiser or you're pretentious" — I fail to see how.


Yo, hoss: shitty beer is shitty beer. And I don't want to drink it. That doesn't make me pretentious. It's the same reason I make pasta and sauce at home instead of buying Chef Boyardee.

Turns out "The Seeker" is like the one part of American Beauty that still holds up all these years later, hahaha!

Sam Bush & Tony Rice, "Molly & Tenbrooks (live, 1995)"
Crooklyn Dodgers, "Return of the Crooklyn Dodgers '95" (maybe DJ Premier's best beat, and that's saying something)
Charlie Hustle & the Pickers, "Streetlight Mama"
Stelios Katzantidis, "Efuge Efuge"
Jay-Z, "Can't Knock the Hustle"
J-Live, "Skip Proof"
Raices Habaneras,

"Dear Miss Hoover, you have Lyme disease. We miss you. Kevin is biting me. Come back soon. Here's a drawing of a spirochete. Love, Ralph"

Padip-padee, padish-kadoo!

A few off-the-beaten-path things I've enjoyed recently:
- Car Bomb, a documentary by former CIA agent Bob Baer about the story behind one of history's most effective weapons.
- No Escape starring Ray Liotta. Gotta credit AVClub here: they mentioned it in their look back at Speed and I forgot what a satisfying slice of

Just finished The Young Pope. Still not 100% sure how I felt about it. The wife thought it was great and campy in all the right ways, and of course she now goes around the house constantly saying "Holly Futter" in a hilarious imitation of the show's Italian accents.