Beat Doctor

Testes… testes… 1… 2… 3??? (uh-oh)

Lars Ulrich discussing the topic of relevance is almost too hilarious.

Possibly "the bishop in a game of Sexy Chess."

Usually you get some lyrical cues as to what gender is singing the song, though. With holiday tunes, it's tough!

We had this game down to a science at one point, with nicknamed shortcuts for two- and three-degree moves like "The Pulp Fiction Route" (which incidentally goes 'Pulp Fiction > Bruce Willis > 12 Monkeys > Brad Pitt > Sleepers > Kevin Bacon')

Agreed. I didn't think I was going to be into "gun-fu," but I was damn sure wrong.

"Surviving The Game was a nasty and deeply watchable B-movie that could’ve made a movie star out of Ice-T if Jean-Claude Van Damme hadn’t appeared the previous year in Hard Target, a better movie with, more or less, the exact same plot."

So far I've mainly used it for making beats, and I haven't run up against the 2GB wall yet.

I loved it for its deep-cutting sociopolitical commentary as much as its absurdity. Riley's "My president is black and my Lambo is blue" speech from "The Fundraiser" episode, where he puts all of England on blast, is also among the show's greatest moments.

I think there were ONLY three seasons, right? The first two that McGruder was involved with and then the "zombie" third season…?

I yearn for the good old days when you could just hate Budweiser because it was a cheap, shitty beer.

That shit is the WORST. It seems like it'll NEVER stop bleeding.

What do you use to compose music? I've been using Garageband the past… holy sh*t, it's been almost a decade now!… to make hip-hop beats. I love the simplicity of it. I can cut-and-paste if I'm feeling lazy, or hook up the MIDI keyboard and get as detailed as I want.

The Young Pope. Still not really sure where it's going just yet (with only four episodes to go, I believe), but my wife and I both love it. It's like a daytime soap opera, but with prestige camerawork and set in the Vatican (so, y'know, Catholic intrigue instead of love triangles!).

This episode gets all the love, but despite its cringeworthiness, nothing can top the episode where Uncle Ruckus finds out that he's "102% African, with a 2% margin of error."

Pause again.

I may need to re-watch some Boondocks tonight in recognition of this. I love me some Aaron McGruder #PAUSE

Hugar's description of what makes him relatable and consistently funny is spot-on. My test of a good comedian is if he or she has a bit that I find myself repeating years later. "Hot Pocket" is that bit for me.

That's not how you spoiler alert.

THAT is a great movie poster.