Beat Doctor

Went to Bonnaroo in its second year, 2003, and literally checked off 90% of the bands on my bucket list: Neil Young & Crazy Horse, the surviving members of the Dead, the Allman Bros., JAMES F***ING BROWN… but even then, you could see what direction Bonnaroo was heading. I think '03 was the first year they had a comedy

"Yes, I'll have the loofah cupcake, please" is all I could think of when I saw the photo. This does sound pretty delicious, though.

I genuinely wonder if Martin (and the showrunners) regret(s) the decision to bypass large sections of the books/plot on the show. True, the casting sprawl would be immense, and it might have turned into a financial ruin. On the other hand, S7 might still be making its way through one of the existing books, and legions

Kay Starr, "Wheel of Fortune"

Dylan, "From a Buick 6"

Grateful Dead, "China Cat Sunflower"

How long before Trump tweets something on the order of, "These D-list Hollywood people can lick my inaugural balls"?

You know, they have a button for that (see above).

Hmmm let's see here…. 11 sacks since joining the Dolphins. Looks like the only thing Suh ripped off was the Dolphins' front office.

I'm not a huge Stephen King guy, but there are so many genres mashed up into that series, it sort of transcends his other writing, IMO. And there are some slow spots, but it's well worth the time.

"In the wild, cats have the upper hand."

On a related note, I can't get enough of Louis CK's bit about reading Tom Sawyer to his daughter and having to explain why Huck Finn can't stop saying the n-word. ("I'm just not gonna sit there and keep saying 'n*****' over and over to my daughter. I'm not going to do it.")

…which reminds me, I need to go back and read the first Dark Tower book before the movie comes out.

If someone did that to me… they would end up with pee on them.

Run the Jewels 3, several shows from the Dead's '72 European tour and a whole lotta Del McCoury Band.

I will never, ever understand my wife's obsession with these films. She didn't read the books, is in fact a generation ahead of the target audience, and yet these movies are like her Shawshank Redemption: if she turns on the TV and one is on, she's gonna finish it.

Yup. Mike's "shammalama doomalama" verse had me doing embarrassing shit in the car at a red light.

For me, it's almost always the books. This year I got Jim Miller's oral history of ESPN, "Those Guys Have All the Fun," a history of Appalachia and Marlon James' "A History of Seven Killings," which actually isn't a history book at all but rather a fictional account of 1970s Jamaica around the time Bob Marley was shot.

I was just thinking about making this song the next tune for my bluegrass cover band. You've convinced me. Well done, sir.

In fairness, Bob Saget turned out not to suck. It just took a couple decades of Full House and AFV before we figured it out.