Beat Doctor

Christmas Parenting Thread
So my son turned four this fall, and this is the first Christmas where he really gets what gift-giving is all about… where we weren't just buying things based on what we think he likes… where he was able to find something that he really wanted and we were able to go out and get it for him.

First off, I made a real ass out of myself in the car at a red light because I was dumbin' out so hard to Mike's 'shammalama doomalama' verse on "Call Ticketron."

Since all of the bacon-related post discussions are closed, I'm forced to put this here: When is AV Club going to just admit that the Supper Club is a thinly-disguised ruse to overindulge someone's outsized lust for bacon?

When all the band members are in their 40s, it probably does.

I'd actually like to see Affleck continue with the Joe Coughlin series of books that Lehane has written and film "World Gone By," though it might not exactly be the type of story that can sustain a full-length film.

True story: Up until last year, I was 100% sure that "Last Christmas" was sung by a woman.

I shudder to even begin thinking why Train decided to cover songs by a band most people consider un-coverable. But if they hadn't released this atrocity, I wouldn't have known that the lead singer's voice is actually a kind-of-passable Robert Plant imitation.

I was introduced to Choclair via "21 Years" on the New York Reality Check 101 mixtape. Actually, come to think of it, that album introduced me to him, G-Dep, J-Live, Ed OG, Company Flow AND Finsta Bundy.

True dat.

I plan on using "I grew up in a huge Sinbad" as my new go-to non-sequitur.

The best Limp Bizkit song is the one where DJ Premier made the beat and Fred Durst/the rest of the band was only minimally involved.

I'm a fan of my dad's go-to: "They're on that stage."

Choclair is great. You guys got him, Robbie Robertson, Kardinal Offishall, Saukrates, Ghettosocks ("One of these thiiings does not belooong here…"). Rest in the knowledge that there are far more American musicians that suck, just by sheer force of numbers.

I'm pretty late to the party with this one, but I discovered the YouTube daily show "Good Mythical Morning" this year, and have been watching it ever since. It's a consistently funny, family-friendly 15 minutes.

HBO should run a promo with him as Santa on the Iron Throne:

I don't think it's really a "come-at-me"-able argument. They're about as different as two shows can be.

I would've thought that HBO GO and HBO NOW had made this concept obsolete.

That side of the fam is from Avellino, Campania, just east of Naples in the south.

Completely unrelated to the story, but based on this comment. My 4-year-old son watches Cartoon Network, where they run promos for the newest Scooby Doo cartoon all the time. The show itself is not that good, but there's a quick bit of dialogue in the promo that is never not funny to me:

My dad (who makes it) is 100% Italian, so I did not know that (and I feel like he probably didn't, either).