Beat Doctor

"This is what happens, Larry! This is what happens when you find a stranger in the Alps!" — Still the best dub ever, from The Big Lebowski.

Unless Pigpen from the "Peanuts" cartoons is part of a distinct ethnic group, it's generally a bad idea to describe any entire race as "dirty." I realize he's apparently just talking about these particular Jewish record execs, but shit, now that he's out of the music biz, cite your work — name names.

Seventy-two 120V wall sockets.

This would make more sense if there wasn't already a previous entry in the Transformers film franchise where he turned his arm into a sword. One might even say he…. transformed it.

Along these same lines, I feel like the rise of digital music has really killed one of my favorite aspects of buying a new record: album art. I'm only 35, so I wasn't around for the classic large-canvas album art of the LP era, but great album art has a way of informing the music within, same as a good movie poster

I wince every time I hit 'Info' on the remote and see another 90-minute episode. That makes three this half-season, right? Considering the large amount of filler (and the fact that some of the segments only run like three minutes before they go to another commercial — what is this, NCAA tournament basketball??) it

I wonder if he knows his home state of Michigan has only been annexed from Dumbfuckistan for about a month…?

True dat. He's starting to look a lot like "Creepy Guy Along the Side of the Road" in most of Rob Zombie's movies.

Slow your roll, R. Kelly.

All your eggnog are belong to us.

I do love me some T.J. Miller, but probably not enough to go see this at the theater.

I thought the teaser trailer for Westworld was also particularly well done. It definitely got me watching the series.

I wonder if the generic multi-ethnic European-ness of white people somehow makes it more acceptable to have the traditional "group of villainous white guys," whereas if you had one that was, say, all Chinese people, it would leave a bad taste in peoples' mouths.

I long for the day when my son stops watching these accursed "me and my dad opening 857 toys" videos and starts looking up music. I've gotten him into bluegrass recently. His favorite songs, curiously, are the ones featuring the classic bluegrass topics: heartbreak, murder, jailin', killin', etc. His current jam is

He's such a great rapper. My favorite, though I can't recite it straight off the head, is the "blimey slimey try me, limey" line from "Rhinestone Cowboy" on the Madvillainy album.

Well, I should probably give some credit where it's due. It's changed a little in more-recent years. But I think the problem used to be there were very few venues that split the difference between a club and an arena. There wasn't a good mid-sized spot for nat'l touring acts to play. That's changed with Stage AE and

Thanks to this comment, I have now learned that Mao out-killed Hitler and Stalin combined. Gawddamn, that's crazy.

I believe so. I think it was the same basic setup as the toddler "echo microphones."

As someone who sort of discovered the Clash due to my pre-existing love of reggae, I concur. That and "Rudie Can't Fail" are my top two.

Something else that's full of villainous white guys: history.