Beat Doctor

I'm Team Snake Mountain, particularly for the shitty "PA system" that came with it.

That sucks.

I think the kid's drumset I got at age 7 probably set me on the path to where I'm at right now (part of 3 different bands, writing songs, etc.)

Clash - Guns of Brixton
Del McCoury Band - Nashville Cats
Steve Kimock - Tangled Hangers
MF Doom - Rhymes Like Dimes (Side note: My son is now obsessed with the line, "Classical slapstick/rappers need chapstick" now that he's discovered tongue-twisters)
Thug Life - Pour Out a Lil' Liquor
Stanley Bros. - A Lonesome Night

"I'm So Tired" — crazy-underrated Beatles tune. Encompasses everything I love about them. A pop-friendly tune with a gorgeious, slightly off-kilter chord progression.

After seeing a few minutes of "We Bare Bears," I'm definitely going to start DVRing it, whether my son is into it or not.

Is that a function of the high-quality local music scene, do you think? Not being sarcastic, I'm legitimately curious. The Ryman has Joe Russo's Almost Dead and Widespread Panic shows coming up, that's pretty cool.

Apparently what makes it different is using way too much CGI in place of the practical effects that helped the original trilogy hold up so well.

Part of that reaction is probably due to having seen the character lampooned/referenced so many times in pop culture.

He was making someone in the lab below his "family's" house. It wasn't another Theresa, which is what I suspected, so…. I think you're onto something.

I thought it might have been to show that Maeve altered their programming so much that something like chopping their arm off — which would typically result in a person/well-programmed host fainting as a result of shock — doesn't even slow them down, and that perhaps non-headshot bullets won't kill them either. That

I also question how no one on the train recognized Maeve. After all, the guests all start out at Sweetwater, where she's the head madam at the main brothel in town. Hard to imagine no one who's just finished visiting would notice that she's sitting in seat 5A.

Regarding Inconsequential Mystery No. 1, we've all seen Raiders of the Lost Ark. Gun beats sword every time.

1) No Mannequin Pussy?

You got me, Kenny Rogers.

I might take exception to part of that. I think Funcrusher Plus is one of the best albums to emerge from the Golden Age of Mid-'90s hip-hop, but it's good in a completely different way from the RTJ stuff.

I'm just really happy to see them getting the widespread props they've both deserved for quite some time. RTJ is their way of continuing to evolve as artists. There are some uneven moments on both albums, but they've clearly struck a chord with a lot of people. I'm not really sure what the white-boys comment below is

I'm probably inviting commenters to open a 128-oz. jug of Haterade on the Grateful Dead, but today is the anniversary of one of their truly great performances, 11-30-79 at the Stanley Theatre in my hometown of PIttsburgh. Well worth the listen, even if its just for their cover of "Dancing in the Street," which morphs

I'm 35, so I was just at the age where you start buying albums when the Golden Age was reaching its peak. And I'm a huge fan of the source music that was sampled to create a lot of the best East Coast mid-'90s hip-hop, so there are two nostalgic connections for me.

Could be worse. Gerry Rafferty could be The Revels and have his song forever associated with forced sodomy and katana-related murder.