Beat Doctor

If Dylan dies [in 2016] we riot. And not like in a "protesting-a-fair-democratic-process" way.

…and my theater arts minor finally pays off! =)

Modelo is my go-to for cheap summertime beer. When they don't have Tecate in the can.

Honestly, I thought one of the most refreshing aspects of this election (if there were any) was the blessed lack of religious bullsh*t. The Christian right couldn't possibly claim the high ground with a p*ssy-grabbing adulterer as their candidate, and very few of the religious wedge issues that typically get raised

You just described pretty much every presidential election. They all make the promises that will get them elected, only to compromise once they realize they can't just get sworn in and do all that sh*t.

This episode could have all the same scenes and clock in at an hour if Jeffrey Dean Morgan…. would juuuust… say… his g*ddamn lines…. without a…. 15-second paaaaaause…. between every…. single…. phrase.

Sans serif tries, but it just can't be as classy as serif.

Think, for just a moment, how bad USS Indianapolis must be to get graded lower than a Kevin James movie. Good Gawd.

Here's a way in which I think it could be good storytelling:

What if he goes bonkers and becomes Liam McPoyle?

So Bernard is asking whether anyone's seen Elsie earlier in this episode… is it possible he took her out and has no memory of it thanks to Ford?

Cheesy leek-and-bacon dip is my jam. Block of cream cheese, softened in the microwave along with two big pinches of shredded cheddar, four strips of bacon cooked crispy and crumbled, two large chopped leeks (or a bunch of wild ramps, which seem to have a little more kick to them). Mix. Dip. Drool.

I used to think the second Bobby Digital album was going to be the RZA's musical low point. Then I listened to track previews for Banks & Steelz.

I thought I saw that, but wasn't sure. How great would it be if THAT'S what kidnapped Elsie?

My logistics question is: multiple episodes have started with Delores below the park, talking with Bernard or Ford during her time with William and Logan. Do they just come and snatch them up in the middle of the night? I get that they can pause the other hosts to do that, but wouldn't William wake up (or Logan wake

There are things about it that make some sense. But the main thing I saw several people point out over and over again is that Lawrence/El Lazo seems to be older in MiB's timeline than in William's. I just rewatched all of those scenes, and his hairstyle is basically continuously changing. In scenes with the MiB, it's

If that's the case, and they're still planning five seasons of this show, it's going to take quite a while before the unlock the "Arnold box."

I've noticed something much more insidious this Halloween season: they're packaging smaller-than-usual Everlasting Gobstoppers in a very similar way to Sixlets. Someone's gonna squeeze all those suckers into their mouth and chip a tooth.

I wish my LSD guy subscribed to that philosophy. Although I've never really known anyone to finish up tripping balls and then go, "Let's do that again tonight!" Usually it's more along the lines of, "OK, whew, I might be ready for that again in about eight months to a year."

Having a hunting knife in Shamokin, Pa., is just being prepared. If anything, that guy is doing the kid a favor … also, what would be the purpose of giving out pot edibles, exactly? Losing money for no good reason? The joy of seeing drowsy children on the 11'o'clock news?