Beat Doctor

I mean, if you have flour and sugar, you can probably get the rest of the ingredients from the basement and random corners of the house. WoW TEST KITCHEN!

Extra fingernail-y.

Point took'n. I'd forgotten that. Tip of that hat to you, sir.

I'm happy to say that, after a few years of making fun of my wife for listening to them, I've come around to really appreciating the Dixie Chicks. A lot of it probably has to do with starting a bluegrass trio in the past year and change. The Chicks have a lot in common with traditional bluegrass, certainly more than I

When the main casting was announced, I was definitely an Idris Elba defender. But looking at that photo up above, all I can think of is that he just doesn't seem old enough to be playing the Roland I imagined while reading the books. Black, white, doesn't matter, but I definitely saw him as being fairly well over the

At least it wasn't a ridiculous double-cross which, given this show's history, I was kind of anticipating.

…a Znack?

If the dust cloud can make daytime New York City streets safe for strigoi, I have to believe most of the remaining humans would die in the blast. Liberty Island is about 10,000 feet from the southern tip of Manhattan. That's a really shitty nuke.

"A little National or Global context could go a long way. — I see you are also not a fan of Setrakian's "State of the Strain" speeches that have opened a few of this season's episodes.

My 4-year-old son can't get enough of the Google Doodle 'Momo the Cat' game they had up on Halloween, so I've been playing a lot of that. Can't draw fast enough to beat that final boss, though.

GOOD GAWD I can't wait for the election to be over, mainly because living in Pennsylvania, television is all Katie McGinty and Pat Toomey ads all the time. KATIE MCGINTY STEALS FROM YOUR KIDS' PIGGY BANK TO ADD TO HER SCROOGE MCDUCK MONEY VAULT! PAT TOOMEY WANTS TO TAKE YOUR CHILD'S ORGANS AND SELL THEM ON THE BLACK

Just found out today that RTJ is comin' through Pittsburgh in January. I missed 'em the last go-'round. Not this time!

So Bernard has to work on every black robot in the park, just because he's black? That kind of seems more racist to me.

Yup, and they've already established that the longtime Alexandrians don't have what it takes to pull off a full-on assault of anything.

I'd buy into "The Kingdom" a lot more if it were a bunch of former LARP-ers who ended up basing their real community around what was once a fictional one. But it's hard to believe that there's an entire town of people who buy into the "King Ezekiel" bullshit. Granted, I wouldn't want to call out the guy with the pet

Give me two little Guatemalan ladies and a hot griddle over Chipotle every day. The thing I missed most when I moved back to PA from Delaware was the legit Hispanic food that was super-cheap and ultra-delicious.

Certainly they're written by someone with very little understanding of how to craft meaningful season-long story arcs.


I'll give Daltrey this: in an age where anyone with an iMac basically has a makeshift music studio at their disposal, it's a lot easier to make crappy music and release it, and as pop music has proven for several decades, there is quite literally no accounting for taste.

One of my favorite roast lines of all time is from Jeff Ross's portion of the Emmitt Smith roast: "Troy Aikman wanted to be here, but he got a concussion opening up the invitation."