Beat Doctor

I was too busy nursing my obsession with Golden-Age Hip-Hop to really get into Pearl Jam, but my sister has always raved about their live shows. I really like the fact that they are constantly changing up the setlist. As someone who is part of a local band, we're ALWAYS changing our sets up because we're playing to a

A GoPro attachment would prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the cat did it, since cats typically spend their time constantly murdering things for no reason.…

I'd imagine pushing a kid down the steps in middle school is a pretty far cry from waking out of a drug-induced stupor to find the girl you just slept with stabbed all to hell.

I agree that Naz's participation in the murder is kind of heartbreaking. But as fast as Freddy got it done, it was almost unnecessary.

Good talk.

SCHIFF: Young people get impatient with old people. Especially cantankerous ones.

Some of the best, most succinct lines in "Law & Order" were uttered by Adam Schiff. Briscoe had the one-liners, but Schiff had the best single lines.

Well it doesn't quite fit the timeframe, but I'm going with "Santa's Got a Motherfuckin' Uzi," by Mr. Lif. My only other choice is DMX's "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (Remix)," where I presume Rudolph is actually a red-nosed pit bull.

I'm more of a "Blac Vagina Finda" man myself, and overall, a much bigger fan of their sophomore album "All We Got Iz Us," but point taken.

So, let's recap, shall we? Ryan Lochte…

My dream Luke Cage soundtrack:

I was thinking more along the lines of "New Jersey Drive," "The Show" and "Trespass." "Spawn" is kind of a fine line between interesting collaborations and Puff Daddy feat. Jimmy Page on the "Godzilla" soundtrack.

I realize that dragons are imaginary creatures, and as such, there's no real reason they couldn't conceivably have fur. And it surely makes for a more cuddly merchandising tie-in. But it goes against all known dragonry.

I did the same thing! Curse you, David Arnold!

I yearn for the days of C+ movies with A+ mid-'90s hip-hop soundtracks.

"You know, where are all the great operas in English? I came here 'cause I'm classy and to get noticed, not to read. When I'm President, all operas in English. The best operas."

Yeah, there are NO mean streets in Dover, though. Wilmington is rough-and-tumble, just the way Diamond Joe likes it.

"When the VP came to live out his name/And to perform, Joe had to snort cocaine/Just to act insane/And before Obama rocked it on…"

And more Warrant and Faster Pussycat.

I think they got the title wrong. Pretty sure it's supposed to be "Joe Biden's Meticulously Focus-Grouped to Be Inclusive, Make Oblique Reference to Religion and Not Offend Anyone Playlist." By the way, Diamond Joe took one look at that AVClub playlist and exclaimed, "What? No 'Cherry Pie'? Bullsh*t."