Beat Doctor

Yeah, that strikes me as the opposite of the kind of dialogue Dowd was referencing.

That seemingly makes it even less realistic, though. If the guards were looking the other way on behalf of Freddy, why do they need Naz to smuggle 'em in at all?

Dr. John's "Gumbo" and "In the Right Place" albums over and over again. There's a line in "Same Old Same Old" that strikes me as incredibly prescient despite being from 1974: "Same old me, same old stuff, same old work, don't make enough."

Granted, it's been a while since I rode one, but that type of thing never used to bother me back in the day.

At the tender age of 34, I learned something extremely important about myself at an amusement park this past weekend: I can no longer rider super-spinny rides. I managed to hold it together long enough to get off the ride — which my 3-year-old son thoroughly enjoyed — but not long enough to make it to the bathroom. My

To continue the Guy Ritchie theme:

I'm just kind of bummed that apparently Muggs is somehow associated with Die Antwoord.

It does start with an "L." Leechburg, in Armstrong County.

"Oceans VIII: Title IX"

Can't speak to that. I went to high school in a town about 40 minutes outside of Pittsburgh.

This year I'm doing multiple Scotch bonnie plants, a habañero, redskin sweet peppers (my go-to, the perfect combo of sweet/little bit'o'heat), Peter peppers, and trying something new, Aji Limon peppers.

When I was living in Delaware, they called it Taylor Ham. And that shit is the shit on a French Toast bagel!

Word up. Can't 30-something males have ANYTHING anymore?

True, and completely non-germane, story: My principles of technology teacher sophomore year (1996) was Ed Kowalczyk's brother. He was like a slightly chubbier Ed Kowalczyk with a porn 'stache. He was a permanent substitute because the regular PoT teacher had gotten very ill, and he was not in any way equipped to teach

I've only seen S3-5, and it seems like they always follow a similar pattern: start off cool and unsettling, set up some interesting ideas… around Ep. 5 or so, start shoe-horning so much other shit in that it's impossible to wrap it all up neatly… then, just go completely off the rails to the point where you figure you

Legit Jamaican jerk is a nice fine line for that. It can be an ordeal, especially if you use the jerk sauce in addition to the main rub — cue the "jerk sauce/rub" jokes — but it's an ordeal you can't seem to get enough of!

I like the peppers themselves, but I feel like the hot sauces quickly reach a point where all you're getting is hotness, and not flavor.

The Redman, Key & Peele and TJ Miller episodes make me laugh no matter how many times I watch them.

I thought "Freak Show" needed more Twisty and less Neil Patrick Harris, but it was still way better than "Hotel," which may be the first season of anything I've ever hatewatched.

I saw the movie long before the book, but I'd highly recommend checking that out as well. The chapters go back and forth between Strike and Rocco and flesh both out much more than the movie would have been able to do.