Beat Doctor

I was really hoping to see the first meeting between Dany and Varys. He's all Team Targaryen now, but the last time she mentioned him by name, it was a reference to not trusting him at all, and that he tried to have her killed for years on end. That would have been a good first conversation to script out.

I don't know that I'd call it a confrontation, exactly. They basically hammered out a pact.

All Cersei has is the Lannister army. Who have never fought in the North. She might not plan too far ahead, but she's not that reckless. She was the first person on the show to note that the North is too big to conquer.

She still needs to find a face that will allow her to get close enough to the ruling monarch(ess?) of the Seven Kingdoms.

If it's anything, its the GREEN Septing.

In book-world, true. He never made an appearance on the show, though, right? I only bring it up because if Dany does come ashore in full conquering mode, she'd basically find Storm's End undefended, and could make it an easy base of operations near the main target: King's Landing.

I said the same thing. I think it would have injected a little too much humor into the final scene of a season, but it would have been great. Just one, barely noticeable, yakking off the starboard side.

No way Jaime and Cersei are Targaryens. There's some doubt about Tyrion because of Tywin's dying utterance, "You are no son of mine." Not the other two, though.

A Tyrell and a Martell might have something to say about that.

"Cersei is evil"/"Cersei is a woman succeeding in a man's world by being opportunistic and shrewd." — why can't both be true??

I didn't really think about it until Lord Manderly called Jon "The White Wolf." None of those guys have ever even seen Ghost, how would they just come up with that nickname? I guess maybe based on the "Snow" surname, but still.

Yeah I was kind of wondering who the hell those people were who came to her coronation, if most of the city's upper crust got nuked at the Green Septing.

If Bran decides to pass south beyond the Wall, the mark on his arm means it won't stop the army of the dead at all, if the invasion of the Three-Eyed Raven's crib is any indication.


If Varys can get from Slaver's Bay to Dorne and back in the space of two episodes, Arya can probably make it across the body of water specifically named "Narrow."

*starts chanting softly, then with increasing intensity* gendry, Gendry GENdry, GENDRY!!

There was time for all of Robert's Rebellion — which lasted "about a year" (nine months or so???) — between the absconding and the birth.…

I think that was just an "I-told-you-so" look re: his comment that she needs to take charge, rather than let the North follow "a motherless bastard born in the South."

….which turned out to be a cool callback to Tormund's comment to Davos about following the wrong leaders: "Jon Snow is no king."

Speaking of ol' King Bob, House Baratheon is pretty much done at this point, right? Tommen wasn't a legit Baratheon, but he was the last of his name. Who exactly is minding Storm's End right now? (gendry, Gendry, GENDRY!)