Beat Doctor

I don't know that they'd make her an out-and-out villain, but before last night's episode, it was hard to envision her coming ashore and laying waste to King's Landing without ending up in the same Meereen-style morass, viewed as an invader and having no support from the major houses. Cersei attempting to keep hold of

The only thing I don't really understand is why, apparently, if you attend a trial by seven septons, you aren't allowed to leave? That just smacks of needless plot machination in order to attain a bigger shock when so many named characters bite it.

I don't think Jon Targaryen ('cause that's what we have to call him now, right?) wants to be King in the North, let alone King of Westeros.

I thought Tommen's leap was pretty cheesy. I was really hoping he'd try and pick a fight with FrankenGregor, who would respond a little too forcefully and accidentally kill him.

Well now I feel bad for the poor servant girl who lost her face. Or do you suppose Arya's doing it the legit way and using fresh corpses?

I don't know if it was manipulation as much as it was Littlefinger kind of saying "told you so." All the lords — particularly Lord Glover, whom Sansa specifically tried to shame — were falling in line with "the White Wolf," and no one even mentioned the Lady of Winterfell. I think at this point, all Littlefinger can

C'mon now, we can't just go re-using "Red." We had the Red Wedding and the Purple Wedding. This has to be the Green Septing.

I would rather that Jon Snow not become a cousinf*cker, if it's all the same.

In large part because of the shows discussed in this piece, I realized that I've probably watched Comedy Central more often over the past decade and change than any other television station. Kudos to them.

So I've been considering just how in the hell the White Walkers are going to bring down The Wall and enter Westeros proper. Forgive me if this has already been mentioned elsewhere, but with Joramun's Horn kind of gone by the wayside, is it possible that Bran will be responsible for it? He's got the Night King's mark

'The Wire' season plot arcs typically peaked in the penultimate episode, if I remember correctly, letting the season finales deal with that fallout and set things up for the next season.

The new Night's King has a big ol' honker that kind of makes him look a little less terrifying.

I would call that "deliciously frightening."

I think the divorce is pretty much official once you've let dogs chew your ex-hubby's face off. Or does that make her a kinslayer??

I wonder if the other Northerners would resent a southerner getting a castle in the North. (Davos is originally a King's-Lander, right?)

I would chalk that up to Valyrian steel. If I recall, Brienne used hers to cut right through a dude's sword before, so chain mail shouldn't be too much of a stretch.

I'm down with that.

It's kind of bothering me that no one in Westeros seems very interested in wearing chain-mail. I understand that Jon's army was pretty ill-equipped, but the Boltons — á la Roose in the Red Wedding — definitely have it.

I don't know, Zombie Mountain's spine-ripping homage to Sub-Zero is right up there.

I wonder if there'll be any steps forward in the finale as far as what the other Northern houses think of the retaking of Winterfell. I've got to think that at least three major houses — Umber, Karstark and Glover — won't be too happy, considering two lost their lords and one dismissed the Starks outright. I'm