Beat Doctor

True, but actual airplanes have to bomb precisely in order to hit those ships. They can't turn on a dime and essentially blanket the entire area with large swaths of napalm. The dragons are basically giant, ultra-maneuverable napalm cannons. All they'd have to do is set fire to everyone's main sail and they're all

Yeah, I was also kind of wondering what Yara's plan is gonna be for the future if things work out. I guess she doesn't really have a choice if the alternative is murder-by-uncle, but that should be a great first State-of-the-Iron-Islands speech: "So, guys! Uh, no more roving, reaving and raping. I guess we'll just,

Yeah, I'm with this. Littlefinger, in both the show proper and the conspiracy theorizing, clearly has his eye on the long game. It wouldn't surprise me at all if he tries to force a marriage on Sansa in the finale under threat of the Vale's forces booting her out of Winterfell along with Jon and his decimated army.

My guess is two giant battles was all the effects budget could handle in one episode.

The Arya situation is an easy fix, though. Let the Waif get one stab in, instead of the triple-stab-and-twist, and the entire thing is believable. Or when she missed with the throat slash, just have Arya jump into the water right then and there. It still makes the last part of the episode just as tense, with Arya not

I'd be much happier seeing something this show has never presented: a giant naval battle next season when Dany's new fleet meets Euron's new fleet.

The whole Blackwater battle was kind of morally gray. You had the Lannisters on one side, who were not the most morally upright but hadn't reached Red-Wedding levels yet, and the Baratheons on the other side, who were being led by a converted religious fanatic. I honestly can't remember rooting for either side in that

Yup — I think that's where Varys is headed.

Wun Wun: the Anthony Davis of Westeros.

True, but Sansa had about 10 seconds to prepare for her father getting beheaded. She found out secondhand about her brother and mother getting shanked at the Red Wedding. This is the first time she's actually had a chance to prepare for the death of a loved one. In a way, this is the easiest family death she's been

I had a hard enough time believing that Arya would be able to run away from The Waif with her stitches ripping. Dear Show, please don't make me try and believe that Euron can build 1,000 ships in the space of, what, four episodes?

And kudos to you, sir!



Like she told Jon, she knows Ramsay, how he operates, and that he would undoubtedly use (and kill) Rickon to goad Jon into making a mistake… which is exactly what both Ramsay and Jon did. It's not that she didn't care, but she knew what Ramsay could, and would, do.

Littlefinger was angling to be Warden of the North, and now he has an army he can use to take Winterfell and achieve that goal. There is no more Umber or Karstark army, Jon and Sansa's army was decimated. I wouldn't be surprised to see Sansa spurn Littlefinger's offer to hook up, and when he can't bring himself to

Wellll, they didn't exactly have access to the Winterfell armory, soooo….

Agreed. I'm not sure how ships, or anyone else, would "flee" from airborne blast furnaces.

I'm not sure she even knows Varys was there. Dany was already gone when he showed up at the end of S5. I think Varys is going — *shudder* — to Dorne to shore up some support.

Yeah, it was sort of accomplished with a couple wordless headshakes from Mel.