Beat Doctor

True dat. Now that I think on it, when we first met them, they were planning to ransom Arya back to the Starks, albeit in a very good-natured way.

Ooh, good point, and thank you for noting it. I'm still not sure, though. Certainly Melisandre noted that the Seven statues they also burnt were "false idols," but she's the only R'hllor follower we've seen burning people at the stake, and not just for being non-LOLers. Shireen and Mance were burned, essentially, for

Oooh, I hadn't considered your No. 1. I like that.

I'm responding to someone's assertion that even the villains have shades of gray in the 'Ice and Fire' universe. Walder Frey doesn't.

Oh he's definitely Braavosi, but it would just be too much coincidence piling on top of coincidence for him to be the one that saves Arya now.

LSH or no, I'm having some difficulty figuring out why the Brotherhood w/o Banners would attack this group:

I guess what I mean to say is that she, like Arya, is also unsuitable to be a Faceless Man, as manifested by her character's actions. I'm hoping to see Jaqen set her straight with extreme prejudice. Obviously the writers control the show's universe, but I think they're just showing that she's a bad pupil and unworthy

I agree. She told Davos she was going to follow him and do his bidding, but where the fawk is she?

I'm surprised they cast him at all. He's almost too well-known by HBO fans to be on the show. The whole time he was onscreen, all I could think was, "That's Al Swearengen." It kind of took me out of the show briefly. Still, I think it was a good one-off.

I fail to see what possible purpose Syrio Forel could have in returning. Unless he saves Arya in the next episode….. DUN DUN DUNNNNN!

I can see Dany's army taking possession of King's Landing prior to the White Walker invasion, seeing that it's the exact same type of quagmire/clusterf*ck that Slaver's Bay has been, and realizing that her real objective has to be helping save Westeros from the WWs.

"Release The Hound!" — Mr. Burns



My question is: what does the High Sparrow plan to charge Olenna with? Does he know she helped poison Joffrey? Does he just consider her basically sinful for marching on the Great Sept? Curious.

If Sansa and Jon are able to save him — and with everyone for now assuming Bran is dead — Rickon would be the heir apparent. I could see it.

Although in this era, I gotta believe that could land you with a mighty serious case of lip-herps.

I literally said to my wife, "You know what this season needs? More Bronn," as he rode into the frame with Jaime. FUX YES.

It depends on the geography. Bookwise, Sandor was on the Quiet Isle, which is practically next door to King's Landing on the Westeros map. I could see the Faith hearing about how he'll ultimately deal with last night's slaughterers, why he killed them, and raising him up as their champion.

I think the Maggy open came after the credits. Didn't they do a smash-cut from the Frog laughing to adult Cersei daydreaming about the whole incident? Something like that.