Beat Doctor

I like that idea a lot.

They used red ribbons for wine and fake red "guts," but I don't recall seeing fake blood.

Yeah, I don't recall much in the books that paints Walder Frey as more than a nasty old dickhead.

I'd argue that the WAIF is damaging the mystery of the Faceless Men with her baseless hatred of Arya, and she's gonna pay the price by way of Jaqen.

I hope she cuts Ramsay's dick off.

He's linked to the Faith of the Seven now through Septon Swearengen, presumably out to do good works. My guess is, he'll slaughter the slaughterers from last night, the Faith will somehow hear about it and bring him on board to battle his bro.

The Quiet Isle, where the Hound is supposedly digging graves, is literally next door to King's Landing. It could conceivably be a one-episode arc. Revealing his as living would be a great opening scene, with a trial-by-combat to end things.

I'd love to see her try and sneakily stab Margaery, and have Tommen jump in the way. Her being the one to off her last child would be a pretty amazing way to fulfill the Frog's prophecy.

Jorah's going to find something in Valyria (that's got to be where he's going to try and find a cure, right? That's where all the Stone Men are sent, so where else would he find a cured one?) that will benefit Dany.

I think it's at least partly a function of the cast continually expanding. Makes it hard to cover a lot of ground when there are so many people to check in on.

I don't think he ever did get killed. But there's been little need for The King's Justice in recent seasons. Not a lot of public beheadings going around.

NOOOO! Not before we find out precisely how his magic weiner drives the King's Landing whores wild!

It would be pretty f***ing sweet if they called back to exactly what happened the first season — The Mountain goes after Loras and The Hound steps in on his behalf. Cue CLEGANEBOWL.

I'm probably not going to listen to the song, but I'll presume Missy ruined it by singing "I ain't afraid of no ghost" backwards. "TSOHG ON FO DIARFA T'NIA I!"

There is nothing super about either of their beards. Martin has kind of a wispy, old-man beard, and Kirkman's just looks like every other lazy 30-something who thought a beard would make them look cool.

Maybe the Children didn't tell him exactly what the process would involve (dagger to the chest), but he certainly didn't look like a volunteer in Bran's flashback.

Not for nothing, but his verse on the new Pusha joint, "Drug Dealers Anonymous," is pretty sick.


I think most of the guys at the Wall made it pretty clear how Westerosi view the wildlings. Ser Alliser was a noble (are all knights nobles? I might be wrong about that), and he hated them just as much as the average citizen.

"Steampunk pirate" is a generous reading. Right now I feel like Asbaek's Euron is more "drunk uncle" than anything else: "I'M GONNA SHOW THE DRAGON LADY MY BOATS AND THEN SHE'LL GIVE ME SOME SEXY TIME, GUYS! I SHOULD BE THE PRESIDENT!"