Beat Doctor

I wonder if being half-wight gives him any unique insight into the Night King's plan.

YES. I found myself wondering why someone in-show would call it that. I suppose commoners might as a shorthand way of referring to it, but certainly not the guy who perpetrated the whole thing.

Not for nothing, but what exactly would Bran do if he was awake? He still can't walk, Meera would still have to drag him around on the sledge. All he could do is hack at wight ankles.

Re: the Dany ending scene, maybe we were supposed to be impressed at how much larger Drogon has gotten (she looks a lot smaller on his back than during the pit rescue from S5), but I agree that it felt sort of tacked-on and set-apart from the rest of the episode.

They make it sound as though he's been chilling with the Three-Eyed Raven, but we know that's not true. I'd like to know exactly where the weirwood cave is at on the North-of-the-Wall map. I'm confused as to how exactly the Children of the Forest saved him by, if Bran is to be believed, putting a dragonglass dagger

"Hodorception" should be used as much as possible in conversation from now on.

Ooh, I like that idea a lot.

To be fair, Oberyn Martell basically beat the Mountain. He just got a little too cocky/overzealous-prosecutor-ish at the end there. A spry, quick opponent has a very good chance of doing it again.

I'm starting to wonder if the whole "bogged-down-in-Meereen" situation is going to serve as a small-scale version of what Dany may encounter when she gets to Westeros. Who will support the daughter of the Mad King if she storms ashore and takes King's Landing with multiple foreign armies?

I agree. It's almost impossible to reconcile what she said to Loras about not letting them (the Faith) win, and what she appears to have done this week. Unless the "them" is the Lannisters. After all, it was Cersei's machinations that put Loras there intentionally, and Margaery when she got caught lying to cover for

Uncle Benjen — awesome. But if they're going to make him Coldhands, they should have either shown his blackened hands (which they may still do) instead of just having him look pale and sickly, or they should have given him the elk to ride. I'm also kind of confused about what, exactly, he is now. He said the Children

"On this episode of 'MTV Cribs: Westeros,' we hit up Horn Hill, where Randyll Tarly is livin' large and bein' in charge!"

Zombie Merle was a pretty heavy moment, though. (that's the only one I remember, though admittedly I'm doing a lot of other things while "watching" TWD)

I still think Arya will be sent to re-assassinate him. Faceless Men ain't down with resurrectin'.

I thought they were wearing 'Peter Pan' uniforms when I first saw them. On closer inspection, it's sort of like a collection of vines. Still, though, you're right, there's something about it that makes them stand out, and not in a good way.

Well there's really no two ways about it: he WILL be a wight, since that's what the Walkers seem to do with all their victims. At this point it's a matter of whether he'll be specifically shown having become one in a later episode.

Yeah, Hodor is like 7 feet and probably a solid four spins. Wun Wun is pretty much twice that tall and probably weighs more than an elephant. That's Oberyn vs. the Mountain only without the fighting acumen and the poisoned spear.

True dat, but I mean, Oberyn's death was fucking AWESOME.

I've considered that, but I'm with the author in the sense that there's a lot of great album art in there. I've considered taking some of the best groups (Wu-Tang covers, all of one particular artist or themed groupings) and making sort of framed "butterfly-collection"-style hangings for the man-cave in my basement.

Agreed. I think it's a really cool little nod to his GD fandom.