Beat Doctor

I have the vast majority of my CDs boxed up under our basement stairs. It took so long to get them all converted to digital, I don't even want to THINK about how long it would take to go through them all and decide which ones to toss…

Not a lot of film to watch when making fictional-story predictions. You can predict and handicap LeBron's tendencies; the Night's King? Not so much.

I would've settled for the eyepatch and ONE member of the crew blowing the dragonbinder horn, then collapsing and dying. I think that would've been a pretty budget-friendly — and sufficiently weird/creepy — way to introduce the character.

Touchy, eh?

I was lucky enough to grab most of the shows I wanted before they were changed over to "stream-only" on Archive, so I have a nice, well-rounded collection to pull from. Things started getting nice and greasy in '69, especially Pig's blues tunes. "Good Morning Lil' Schoolgirl" from the '69 shows are pretty fantastic.

Seeing that photo only makes me wish Diane Kruger was still being gritty in "The Bridge" on F/X.

I've literally never heard a Morrissey song, but his music can't possibly be worth all the pretentious bullshit, can it?

True. The only other knowledge I can think of is Mel dropping the "Look to your sins, Lord Renly." But that really doesn't mean anything. Stannis maybe knew of his "sins" and told, or she may have just been making an oblique reference to the forthcoming smoke-baby assassin.

…because sept prison food sucks?

Not having Missandei on this list is a crime. Not to mention a certain commenter above will surely cry DAS RAYCESS!

Aaaand now I'm headed to and punching "dead 1968" into the search box.

Agreed. Not a ton in the 'experts' section either. I think a lot of people are assuming the Asian red priestess who saw Tyrion and Varys when they first got to Volantis at the beginning of S5 has been recast as Kinvara. I don't think that's the case, and it says a lot about what kind of extrasensory communication

Regrettably, I think that's it. Pretty fickle bunch to go from "YARA, YARA!" to "EURON, EURON!" when Euron's argument was basically, "Her dad was lame, so I kinslayed his ass, and I'm going to seduce a 20-year-old dragon queen with some boats."

I'd have to rewatch some of the brothel scenes, but I'd cautiously second that. Possibly best boobs.

I prefer to look at it as more of a Marty McFly scenario co-starring Doc Brown the Three-Eyed Raven.

He was going to marry Lollys Stokeworth and before getting roped into Mission Impossible: Dorne, he was plotting to kill her sister so he could eventually become Lord Stokeworth.

I would take Hittites, Mesopotamians and Sumerians over the Sand Snakes all day.

Wood-elf grenades can't melt Land-of-Always-Winter snow. It is known.

I feel like he told Royce it was time to "join the fray" when what he really meant was "join the Frey." Which would be a bad move on his part. #LSHtruther

I imagine it as more of a "Donovan's Brain" scenario.