Beat Doctor

It's been said that dragons strengthen the magic of the known world on this show: Qartheen warlocks felt it, Melisandre, too. Maybe the Walkers woke up when the Mother of Dragons was born? (not "born" from the burning pyre, but literally born? I'm admittedly reaching here.) If Tormund is right that it took Mance

I'm thinking this has to bring him back to the ruins of Valyria, where he might not find a greyscale cure, but he MIGHT find some relic of the Targaryens that could be useful to Dany…? Probably wishful thinking, but I'd rather that than have his storyline now be "Jorah stabs himself in the heart in the middle of

Stone AIDS.

Given how ho-hum his character has been in his short show time, I really thought they were just going to have him die and kill that whole plotline for a couple seconds.

I have to believe book readers are supremely disappointed in Euron so far, given the general level of his fandom. No eye patch, no mute crew of exotic sailors (at least not so far), no ship painted with the blood of his kills, no blue lips. I get merging him and Victarion into one character, but it seems like they

I'm curious why there hasn't been more discussion of Kinvara's tete-a-tete with Varys and Tyrion, who were clearly left pretty affected by how much she knows about them. Her reference to Tyrion "having heard all this before on the Long Bridge of Volantis" — is she supposed to be the same priestess who saw him when he

"What?—shut up!—what?" is how I plan to now respond anytime I'm summoned.

ROBYN ARRYN: "The handle on this training sword is rough."

I now want a "Rickon Being Rickon" t-shirt that features his confused expression after Umber takes the sack off his head.

I dunno if I'd call it silly, necessarily — Littlefinger certainly wouldn't mind being Warden of the North, a title that currently belongs to Everyone's Favorite Murder-Rapey A-Hole, so if he finds out about Littlefinger's double-dealing and scheming, he might to decide Baelish needs his card punched.

Just so we're clear, does "The Field" only include those specifically listed in the header, or does it truly mean "The Field," including anyone who doesn't have their own individual odds?

It's been mentioned that this is a possible — but not proven — way to stop the spread of greyscale.

One of these things does not belong here; one of these things just doesn't belong… and its name is B-Real — Cypress Hill isn't exactly known for its potent political content. Does Tom Morello just need a weed hookup? I'm legitimately curious to hear what they put together, but he just doesn't seem to fit.

I would certainly prefer if this doc had focused on that type of case.

I'd feel a lot better about this if it focused on people whose offense earns them a debatably-unfair label: the guy who gets caught pissing behind a building that just happens to be too close to a school, and becomes a low-level "sex offender" as a result. Someone, I suppose, should be interested in addressing where

Kanye West is the human embodiment of clickbait.

That's typically my philosophy as well, but I think it's gonna work out alright.

After seeing the High Sparrow speech again, I'm convinced that his right eye is just offset and higher than the left, and that's why it seems as though he's breaking the fourth wall.

I have hot'n'spicy and Greek oregano that I planted in beds three years ago. Next year I'm gonna have to cut it back, it's so aggressive. But it's also so delicious!

I live in the Pittsburgh area. I was going to plant all my tomato seedlings over the weekend, AND THEN IT SNOWED IN MAY. Got 'em done early this week. My peppers have been out for a few weeks now. I'm doing San Marzano and Cherokee Purple maters, and a wide variety of hot peppers: redskin sweet, Scotch bonnet,