Beat Doctor

Why should professional sports players grow up? They get paid millions of dollars to play children's games. That doesn't exactly facilitate personal growth. (Or are we talking about FANS growing playoff beards? I mean, I support beard growth in general. I need no reason. Certainly not American's fifth- or

Flesh-N-Bone: underrated, and possibly my favorite Bone.

'Star Wars' character names are the worst. Like, by a large margin.

"WILD CARD, BITCHES!!" *burns Dothraki leadership*

True dat — he definitely went from "I am sorry — you must not be touched" to "I get to decide if you're even a khaleesi or not" very quickly.

One of the producers described the story as "the Sopranos in Middle Earth," and I think that goes a long way toward explaining why it's been so successful.

I feel like it probably took a lot of AV-Club-intern legwork to ID the khals who appeared in literally one episode, for 5 minutes, before being burned alive.

Me too! Turned to the wife and said, "You know he's just sneaking a titty peek."

I thought the exact same thing. "Strong women rule on 'Game of Thrones'"… now here's a picture of a wimpy little man!

Well, they are afraid of saltwater, soooo…..

I think he's just banking on not being in Meereen for anywhere close to seven years. Let it be someone else's problem.

They were both standing near one another when Robert Baratheon arrived at Winterfell. That's literally it, I think. And actually, I might even be wrong about that, since Jon wasn't invited to sit at the Stark/Baratheon table at the feast.

I agree. Who knows if he even had any idea what the hell Melisandre was talking about with her "Someone has to be the Prince That Was Promised" babble? There's got to be a pretty Lovecraft-level existential horrorshow happening in your head 90 seconds after being resurrected.

Melisandre is a priest. Their job, traditionally, is to serve. Sooooooo…

"The Eater of the Lemon Cakes"… +1 Love it.

I was thinking about that a lot after Arya got her eyes back. I don't know what part the Faceless Men have to play in the larger scheme of things, but surely they'd regard a resurrected Jon Snow as "stealing a life from the Many-Faced God?" I can think of no better way to test A Girl's commitment to the cause than

Someone on the show, I believe, said people have tried amputation, and sometimes it works, but not always.

So Jon's not gonna pull the "I got stabbed to death" card? That's trump!

Realistic…? Osha was a cool character, but in the grand scheme of things, she's small potatoes. She's a wildling, which the show has established as a group of people very much looked down upon by Westerosi citizens.

I think the decision to lower those levels and boost the political-intrigue stuff was aimed specifically at attracting a wider audience.