Beat Doctor

Still half-Stark, though.

I now feel strongly that "Howlin' Reed" is a much better moniker than Howland Reed.

Question about something I maybe don't remember correctly from the books: I thought the "greenseer" ability allowed sight, literally, through the eyes of the weirwood trees. As in, Bran would be able to see out onto the weirwood grove at Winterfell or wherever else a weirwood was present. The show is presenting it as

Simultaneous attack/defense is certainly the only way he was going to survive a four-on-one fight.

I agree with the reviewer that Smalljon Umber's dialogue did seem a little modern, and perhaps Tormund should've used "member" instead of "pecker," but in the books he does seem to talk about dicks quite a lot. Mostly his own, but still…

Re: Sam's becoming a maester… whatever role Marwyn the Mage has to play in the wars to come, I have a feeling he's going to be impressed enough by Sam's knowledge to bring him along.

"If Podrick dies we riot." — Westerosi prostitutes

"…this show needs a big, bad villain." — Soooo the King of the Undead Ice People and His Gigantic Zombie Army isn't doing it for you…?

"A girl is not a 'Waif.' A girl is no one. You have killed no one."

Speaking of which, let us pause here and acknowledge Ted Cruz's committal to the Drowned God. May his body sink to the depths of the Senate to feed your creatures.

Archer working in quick "phrasing" asides during his panic-room conversation with Veronica had me hitting the rewind button at least twice.

I gotta say, this reviewer is awfully psyched about the Ironborn's version of the Republican debates.

I can only hope that Method Man's character name "Cheddar" is an homage to his "Cheese" days on 'The Wire.' Also, it was hilarious to hear Key & Peele on the "Hot Ones" interview talk about Meth on set. "He's like this rap icon and he's on the phone talking about everyday dad problems just like the rest of us. It was

Presumably if you've just burned someone to death as a sacrifice TO the Lord of Light — and here I'll pause briefly to note that his acronym is 'LOL' — immediately performing a "take-backsie" is frowned upon.

So does this mean we never get to see the "tanned skins of our enemies" room that "isn't" in the Dreadfort? Drat….

If it's supposed to be the same guy, he told a really lame version of the story. If I recall, he screamed in the Queen Regent's face, "I'M A LANNISTER, SUCK MY C*CK!!!" That's a waaay better bar yarn.

RAMATHORN: "But our shenanigans are cheeky and hilarious, and his shenanigans are cruel and tragic."

Also he's drunk, a powerful motivator heretofore unmentioned.

Well, when we saw it, it was apparently the sixth time. So maybe after a couple resurrections a dead body is a little more "hup-to" about it…?

Stabbing an innocent man in the heart probably puts some fuzz on the ol' apples.